  • 學位論文


The effect of storytelling and narration flow applied in multimedia learning for elementary education

指導教授 : 洪振偉


本研究團隊針對國小教師的需求開發了一個教學軟體,在此教學軟體中,有專屬的教材編輯工具,以及為了國小學童所設計的學習系統,針對此教學軟體的問卷調查結果顯示,多數教師和學童都能傾向認同動畫教學代理人導向的數位教材,且認為該教材能夠提昇國小學童的數位學習成效,而實地量測學童的學習成效也證實該教學軟體確實能夠顯著增進學童的學習成績。本研究是以教材研發的角度來探討,以此教材編輯工具為基礎,設計出最符合學習者使用的數位學習教材,作為國小教師在編輯數位學習教材時的依據,協助教師於教學目標上的達成與增進學生學習的成效。 當國小教師在使用本團隊所設計的教學軟體時,在編輯一個數位教材過程中,我們想要評估故事敘述是否對於學習者造成學習成效上的影響,並且探討「單線式」或是「多線式」的情節流程是否對於學習者在學習上有所幫助。為此,本研究利用教材編輯工具設計出三種不同製作模式之數位學習教材,並進行分析比較,結果顯示故事敘述確實有助於教材的記憶與理解,情節流程可以使教材內容更生動活潑,達到增進學生學習的目的。


A courseware has been developed in our project to assist Taiwan elementary school teachers to edit animated pedagogical agent based multimedia materials. This courseware provides an authoring tool for teachers as well as a learning system for elementary students. The results of evaluation revealed that majority of teachers and students agreed that the courseware is helpful and able to enhance the e-learning achievements of elementary students. The students’ learning outcomes also confirmed that the courseware is indeed able to significantly improve the students’ learning performance. When the elementary school teachers use the courseware to edit the e-learning materials, we would like to assess whether the storytelling impacts the effectiveness of learners’ performance and to explore whether the narration flow of “linear” or “branch” helps students in learning. To this end, this study applies the authoring tool to design three different modes of e-learning materials and analyzes the differentiation of modes. Three modes are ‘linear with no narration’, ‘linear narration’, and ‘branching narration’. The evidence showed that material represented in story contributes to memorization and comprehension of students in learning activity, but no evidence found in this research to reveal that narration flow can improve learning performance although branching narration mode contributes the highest means of post-test achievement.


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