  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Leisure Activities Patterns on the Changes of Normal Cognitive Function among People Aged 53 and above in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖宏恩


依據行政院經濟建設委員會(2008)人口推估,65歲以上的老年人口已達總人口10.4%,老年人的身心功能會隨著年齡增加而退化,認知功能的減退是失智症主要特色,而失智症是老人最嚴重的精神疾病ㄧ,研究指出失智症全國淨成本為1,283億元,平均每年每人介於128,349元至910,685元,因此失智症所帶來嚴重性更不可忽視。本研究目的在探討休閒活動型態對台灣地區認知功能正常中老年人改變程度之影響。本研究採縱貫性次級資料分析,利用行政院衛生署國民健康局人口與健康調查研究中心於1999年、2003年完成之「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查-長期研究」於第四次、第五次調查均完訪之有效樣本資料,扣除在1999年認知功能不正常,亦即認知功能分數小於等於6分者,共2820人為研究樣本進行分析。 依變項是認知功能改變,測量工具是攜帶型簡短式智能量表(SPMSQ),控制變項主要分為社會人口學基本特性、身心健康特性二大類,主要自變項為休閒活動型態改變,包括娛樂消遣類、社團活動類、宗教活動類;其中除年齡、性別、教育程度,無變動情況外,其他變項皆包括1999年~2003年間之變動狀況;將所得資料以描述性統計、卡方檢定、羅吉斯迴歸進行統計分析。 研究結果發現,分析樣本自1999年~2003年經過四年之變動,認知功能仍然維持正常者佔81.9%、認知功能由正常變動為不正常者佔18.1%。在羅吉斯迴歸分析結果中,在控制社會人口學及身心健康特性等因素後,從事社團活動類之休閒活動對認知功能改變程度是無顯著性影響關係;而從事娛樂消遣類休閒活動,整體來說參與項目數減少比保持「不變」者,認知功能維持正常機率高,為0.74倍;就其娛樂消遣活動分類中,從事“下棋或打牌(含麻將、四色牌)” 活動,四年間「一直有」比起「一直沒有」,認知功能維持正常機率較高為0.49倍。而從事“與親戚、朋友或鄰居聊天、泡老人茶”、“看電視”之活動由「有變沒有」比「一直沒有」者,認知功能變差機率分別為1.66及1.51 倍。在從事宗教活動類方面,整體而言不論「減少」或「增加」比保持「不變」者,認知功能變差比率較高,分別為1.46、 1.67 倍。就其宗教活動分類中,四年間保持「一直有」從事“上教堂/廟裡拜拜”比起「一直沒有」者,認知功能不正常機率為0.62倍。 希望能藉由本研究相關有益於預防認知功能變差的休閒活動型態或項目結果,提供一般中老年人選擇休閒活動的參考。


The elderly Taiwan Profile Report revealed that 65 year-old above old population has reached the total population 10.4%,Senior citizen's body and mind function will increase along with the age degenerates, The cognition function's decrease is one of them. The cognition function's decrease loses the wisdom sickness main characteristic, but loses the wisdom sickness is one of old person most serious mental illnesses. The purpose of this study was to explore the impacts of leisure activities patterns on the changes of normal cognitive function among well-functioned people aged 53 and above in Taiwan. The longitudinal data with 2820 interviewees were retrieved from the fourth and fifth surveys of the SURVEY OF HEALTH AND LIVING STATUS OF THE ELDERLY IN TAIWAN:Questionnaire and Survey Design” study in 1999 and 2003, respectively. The independent variables were the frequency changes of leisure activities, including recreational,social,and religions types in 1999 and 2003. The dependent variables were the changes of cognitive function measured by “Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire”(SPMSQ). Among those middle-aged and elderly with normal cognitive function in 1999, there were 81.9% still maintaining normal in 2003.The logistical regression result showed that the changes of recreational and religious types of leisure activities were significantly correlated with that of cognitive function.Specifically, those who decreased the frequency of playing chess / cards, or chatting with acquaintances and watch television were likely to have abnormal cognitive condition, with 1.66 and 1.51 odds ratio, respectively. In addition, those who had been keeping the habits of going to the churches or temples compared to those who never go to the churches or temples, the odds to have abnormal cognitive function was 0.62. Hopefully, the results of the study could be a reference for those elderly in the involvement of leisure activities.


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林克能、劉秀枝(2003)。臨床失智評量表。Acta Neurologica Taiwanica,12(3),155-160。


