  • 學位論文


A Study of After-School Event and Happiness of Elementary School Children an Example of Fifth and Sixth Graders in Nantou County

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究的目的在探討目前我國國小高年級學童週一至週五課後活動情形,並比較不同背景下學童在補習活動、休閒活動及幸福感是否有所差異。採問卷調查法,問卷內容分為基本資料、補習活動、休閒活動,幸福感量表。研究對象係以南投縣國民小學九十八學年度高年級學童為範圍,採分層叢集抽樣法抽取三個地區,大中小型學校高年級各一個班級。本研究採用的統計方法有卡方檢定、t檢定和單因子變異數分析,發出問卷500份,回收469份,回收率93.8%,扣除無效問卷13份,有效問卷為456份。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、學童課後活動,有補習學童佔多數,為完全沒有參加補習者三倍。 二、學童在課後休閒活動方面以「娛樂型」最多,在「知識文化型」層面最低。在課後補習活動,則以「課業補習班」最多,「安親班」次之。 二、學童的幸福感,研究結果發現以3分量表分析結果,在總體層面平均值2.00,幸福感大致良好。 三、不同地區、學校類型、性別、居住現況、家庭社經地位在參與休閒活動上有顯著差異。 四、不同地區、學校類型、性別、居住現況、家庭社經地位在參與補習活動上有顯著差異。 五、不同地區、學校類型、性別、居住現況在幸福感感受程度有顯著差異。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore after-class activities for fifth and sixth-grade students at primary level in schooling day, and to compare differences between students with diverse social-economical background in terms of their attendance of supplementary schools, leisure activities, and emotional well-being. Subjects were given questionnaires, and they were asked to complete questionnaires in four sections, including personal information, attendance of supplementary schools, leisure activities, the gauge of emotional well-being. Fifth and sixth -grade students at primary schools in Nantou country, in the schooling year from September 1999 to June 2000, were chosen to be the study subjects. Based on stratified cluster sampling, primary schools in three suburbs in Nantou country were picked, and one sampling school was selected respectively each from small-sized, mid-sized, and large-sized schools. The methods of chi-square test, t test and ANOVA analysis were used to analyze statistics in this study. 500 copies of questionnaire in total were sent to designated subjects, and 469 copies have been returned. Questionnaires were returned at the rate of 93.8%. 456 out of 469 questionnaires were valid, and 13 questionnaires were left invalid. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.the majority of students were recently attending supplementary courses after class. The number of students, who attend supplementary courses, tripled the number of non-attending students. 2.most students spent their time on recreational activities after class, in contrast, the students, who spent their time on knowledge-based activities, were at least. Most students attended supplementary schools for academic reasons, and “child care” was the second biggest reason for parents to send their children to supplementary school. 3.score of students’ emotional well-being overall was at an average of 2.00. The well-being was above average. 4.the noticeable differences in leisure activity attendance were indicated among the students in different residential areas, types of school, genders, residence statuses, and socio-economical statuses. 5.the noticeable differences in supplementary school attendance were indicated among the students in different residential areas, types of school, genders, residence statuses, and socio-economical statuses. 6.the noticeable differences in the sense of emotional well-being were indicated among the students in different residential areas, types of school, genders, and residence statuses.


張坤鄉 (1991)。國中教師休閒活動狀況之調查研究。台灣省教師精神修養專輯,20,106-113。


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