  • 學位論文


The Research on the Participating Motivation of Elementary School Children's in Folk Custom Sports and Self-Conception in Nantou County.

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究的主要目的,在於探討南投縣國小學童民俗體育運動參與動機與自我概念之研究,並比較不同背景變項的國小學童,其參與動機與自我概念的差異情形。 本研究以南投縣552名參加民俗體育運動社團學童為研究對象,採立意抽樣的方式實施問卷調查,以自編「南投縣國小學童民俗體育運動參與動機與自我概念之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,內容包含:個人基本資料、參與動機量表與自我概念量表,調查期間共發出問卷552份,回收552 份,有效問卷543份,有效問卷比例為98.36%。為達本研究目的及考驗假設之需,本研究將回收之有效樣本以SPSS12.0統計軟體執行分析,並採用平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法來驗證假設。 本研究得到主要結論如下: 一、南投縣國小學童民俗體育運動參與動機,在五個層面中,以「成就需求」最高,其次依序為「友誼」、「健康適能」、「技巧發展」及「運動樂趣」。 二、南投縣國小參與民俗體育運動社團學童自我概念最主要以「家庭自我」為最大,其次依序為、「人際關係」、「自我滿意」、「能力自我」及「身體自我」。 三、不同背景變項的南投縣國小學童民俗體育運動社團參與動機,不同性別、不同年級、不同參加社團年資等均有顯著差異。 四、不同背景變項的南投縣國小學童參與民俗體育運動社團之自我概念,不同性別、不同年級、不同參加社團年資、學校規模等均有顯著差異。 關鍵字:民俗體育、參與動機、自我概念


The main purposes of this research are detecting the motives of the elementary students in Nanto County to take part in the folk custom sports, and discussing the self-conception of those students. Based on the variables of the students with different backgrounds, we look forward to evaluating the differences of the participating motives and self-conception of the students. In this research, we employee the questionnaire survey by using purpose selection with self-conception questionnaires, which is called “The investigations of the participating motives and self-conception of elementary students in Nanto County partaking in folk custom sports groups”, for the 552 elementary students engaging in folk custom sports groups. The questionnaire used in this study includes personal data, participating motive scale and self-conception scale. During the period of investing, we had used and received questionnaires up to 552, and the efficient questionnaires in the received ones were about 543. The ratio between received and efficient questionnaires is up to 98.36%. For identifying the hypotheses of this research, the statistic software SPSS12.0 is applied to analyse the various factors of the received questionnaires which contain average, standard deviation and T-test. In addition, we utilize the statistic technique one-way ANOVA to derive the corresponding results of our research. The main results derived from our research are summarized as following terms: 1.There are five major factors contained in the participating motives of elementary students in Nanto County partaking in folk custom sports. The factors are “ achievement demand”, “friendship”, “health related physical fitness”, “skill developing” and “happiness of sport” in order. The most desirous factor of the participating motive is achievement demand. 2.There are five major factors included in the self-conception of elementary students in Nanto County taking part in the folk custom sports groups. The factors are “family ego-concept”, “interpersonal relationship”, “self-satisfaction”, “self-perception competent” and “self-body” in order. The factor “family ego-concept” is the most important among the factors. 3.The participating motives of elementary students in Nanto County partaking in folk custom sports groups are obviously different, due to the sexual distinction, age and the time that student join in the group. 4.The self-conception of elementary students in Nanto County joining in folk custom sports groups are obviously different, due to the sexual distinction, age, the time that student join in the group and the scale of school. Key word: Folk custom sports, Participating motive, Self-conception


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