  • 學位論文


PDA build up bio-information transmit RFID to use as diagnosis on medical certificates method model

指導教授 : 柯賢儒


本論文提出一種結合無線射頻辨識技術與生醫資訊系統來管理醫院診斷證明的方法。醫院診斷證明文件屬於醫院簡易公文一種,記錄著病人上各種隱私,且具有就醫上的法律效用,過去常在電視新聞上看到許多不法份子與不肖醫療業者涉嫌偽造與串改病歷上資料,使得醫院相關單位人員必需付出相當多人力代價,去比對證明文件的正確性與真實性,鑑於此透過目前當紅資訊科技之結合,且能改善此犯罪問題。 無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)日漸成熟,且RFID技術最常被廣泛使用在防偽追蹤與識別。透過與行動裝置結合運用各項生理設備如體溫計、血壓計…等,並透過無線網路(WiFi)與RFID技術將病人即時量測之生理數據透過行動裝置上的無線網路立即傳送到遠端資料庫儲存,因此申請診斷證明文件之病患,可藉由RFID的辨識直接存取後端資料庫,辨別病患診斷資料的正確性與安全性。


This paper presents an approach that combines RFID technology and bio-information systems to manage the medical certificate in hospitals. Medical certificate is a simple official document in hospitals. It records many privacy information from patients, and is with legislate effectiveness in medical treatment. In history, we have been seeing a lot of cases of how criminal and some immoral stuff counterfeited or altered medical certificates. This kind of activities causes a huge amount of human resources to verify the factuality of certificates. Therefore, using popular IT technology and combine bio-information systems, could deal with such problems. RFID technology is becoming well-develop and stable as well as this technology is usually used as forge-proof, tracking and identifying for goods or documents. Based on the communications between mobile devices and the physiological equipments such as clinical thermometers or sphygmomanometers through RFID or WiFi, the patients’ physiological data can be directly transferred to the backend database. Hence, related medical organizations can apply RFID technology to access the database to enhance the correctness and security.


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