  • 學位論文


A RFID Based Teaching Platform for Children

指導教授 : 黃秀園


摘要 在父母傳統重視教育的心理因素和少子化的影響下,許多家長普遍讓子女從2-6歲便開始就讀美語教育機構。以幼兒普遍提早進入學前教育機構(托兒所、幼稚園)就讀的情況下,如何讓幼童以快樂有趣的互動式教學模式進行學習,代替枯燥乏味的傳統教學、幫助幼教老師減少重複製作教具的資源浪費為目的進行軟體平台的建置。 本論文主要運用Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)無線射頻科技,以被動式的RFID Tag貼在教材上透過中介軟體進行讀取及判斷執行多媒體影像播放,以豐富的影音效果吸引幼童的注意力,進而輔助教師減輕在口語教學上的負擔。一方面幼教機構也能透過教材資料庫的更新,不斷的更新知識庫建置屬於園所的教材/教具知識庫,提供日後教學使用。


Abstract As long as Chinese people pay much attention to education traditionally and there is less young population year after year, most modern parents prefer their children start English class between two-years-old and six-years-old in bilingual or English-only preschools. As most children attend preschool at early age, our research is aimed to design and build up a software-based platform to provide an interactive teaching mode with fun to prevent from boring in common class. The software-based platform could help preschool teachers to prevent from wasting resource is duplicating teaching materials repeatedly. The research in this dissertation adopts radio frequency identification(RFID) technology by adding passive RFID tag onto teaching material for the application interface software identifying RFID activity and PLAY activity of multimedia contents. The output can support preschool teachers with multimedia to attract concentration from children and achieve better learning result. Most important of all, the children teaching platform developed in this research is designed to create a knowledge library of teaching materials by constantly updating the teaching material database.


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