  • 學位論文


A Study of Cycling Accidents and Traffic Accidents in an Emergency Department

指導教授 : 何清松


本研究即利用中部某醫學中心急診室檢傷系統資料,探討自行車事故傷害與交通事故傷害發生的分布情形與相關之危險因子。分析1999年1月1日至2009年12月31日間登錄於中部某醫學中心急診檢傷系統資料。收錄因交通事故導致外傷個案的基本資料,包括性別、年齡、檢傷分級、急診到院時間等。 結果顯示於該段期間,因交通事故來急診就醫共109,000人次、自行車事故為9,040人次。但因部分資料登記殘缺不全或登錄錯誤,因此,最後列入分析的個案有108,987人次。其中,自行車事故部分有9,020人(8.3%),其他機動車輛事故則有99,967人次。結果顯示整體交通事故逐年下降,但自行車事故卻是增加,且傷勢有越趨嚴重的現象。整體交通事故與自行車事故都是晚上較多,自行車事故則是明顯在下午5-7時最多。性別上以男性居多。年齡上,交通事故以青壯年(18-45歲)居多、自行車事故則以未成年(0-17歲)居多,但年長者(大於65歲)的受傷程度較嚴重。季節上,以夏秋兩季較多。交通事故的檢傷上,男性、40歲以上、居住地為鄉鎮地區或其他外縣市、自行車事故、0-5時和6-11時傾向較嚴重的檢傷等級。自行車事故的檢傷上,男性、40歲以上、居住地為鄉鎮地區或其他外縣市、0-17時傾向較嚴重的檢傷等級。此外,研究也發現男性、未成年與大於65歲的老年人、夏季和秋季(相對於冬季)、彰化縣市(相對於外縣市)較傾向自行車事故的發生;而0-5時與12-17時相對於18-23時較容易發生機動車輛事故。 本研究顯示自行車事故非但越來越多,而且受傷有漸趨嚴重的趨勢。男性、未成年與大於65歲的老年人、夏季和秋季(相對於冬季)、彰化縣市(相對於外縣市)、上午6時到下午5時較傾向發生自行車事故。未來研究可針對這些特性進行更深入的探討,相關單位也可以利用這些資料進行事故的防範。


To investigate the distribution and risk factors of traffic accidents and cycling accidents, we surveyed the triage information system of a medical center in the middle Taiwan for January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2009. We collected the basic data of the traffic accident patients, including sex, age, triage level, time to ED (emergency department) and so on. The result showed that 109,000 patients visited ED because of traffic accident and 9,040 came for cycling accidents. Because of incomplete data and record errors, we included 108,987 patients of traffic accident. 9,020 patients suffered from cycling injury and 99,967 patients suffered from motor vehicle injury. Traffic accidents were getting downhill gradually but cycling accidents were more and more year by year and the injury seemed to be more and more severe. Both of traffic accidents and cycling accident were predominant in the evening and night, and the cycling accident showed peak in 5-7 pm. Male is predominant. About age, 18-45 year-old adults are predominant in traffic accident, whereas children and adolescents, 0-17 years old are predominant in cycling accident. Besides, the elderly, more than 65 years old showed more severe injury. There are more accidents in summer and fall. Male, more than 40 years old, inhabitants in rural areas or other cities, 0 to 11am are factors to tend to more severe triage level in traffic accidents. Male, more than 40 years old, inhabitants in rural areas or other cities, 0am to 5pm are factors to tend to more severe triage level in traffic accidents. Besides we also noted that male, children and adolescents, elderly, summer and fall (compared with winter), local area (compared with other cities) are factors to tend to cycling accidents; but 0-5am and 12-5pm tends to motor accident. In conclusion, the cycling accidents seem to be more and more year by years and tend to be more severe injury. Male, children and adolescents, elderly, summer and fall (compared with winter), local area (compared with other cities) and 6am to 5pm are factors to tend to occurrence of cycling accident. Further research and investigation may be needed for these factors and the authorities may take action to prevent traffic and cycling accidents according to above factors.


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