  • 學位論文


On the Study of Sleep Apnea Severity and Sleepiness in Patients with Sleep Disorders

指導教授 : 王俊毅


背景:睡眠障礙是成年人口中常見之疾病,長期睡眠不足或品質不佳,易對人體健康產生危害。 目的:本研究旨在探討睡眠障礙病人之睡眠呼吸中止嚴重度及嗜睡狀態,並分析睡眠呼吸中止與嗜睡之相關因子,及其與睡眠品質之相關性。 方法:研究對象取自台灣中部某醫學中心睡眠中心,自2006年11月30至2008年12月31日接受睡眠檢查之病人。排除填答不完整及未滿18歲之患者,共計收集1310份有效樣本。以線性回歸分析探討不同性別和年齡層之患者,其個人特質、睡眠品質與睡眠呼吸中止嚴重度及嗜睡指數之相關性。 結果:睡眠障礙患者過重者佔多數(73%),近七成有睡眠呼吸中止症,四成有嗜睡情形。整體而言,頸圍、BMI、夜間醒來次數為睡眠呼吸中止嚴重度之相關因子;年齡、睡眠時間、入睡時間、夜間醒來次數為嗜睡之相關因子。但不同性別、年齡層之患者,睡眠呼吸中止嚴重度及嗜睡之相關因子不盡相同。 結論:頸圍粗、體重過重、睡眠呼吸中止症嚴重度較高等患者應控制體重,以改善睡眠品質。臨床照護上應注意嗜睡及睡眠呼吸中止嚴重度是否已嚴重造成阻塞性呼吸中止症、影響睡眠品質及身體健康。藉由評估睡眠障礙患者之性別、年齡差異,以釐清睡眠障礙之危險因子,亦有其重要性。關鍵字:睡眠呼吸中止,嗜睡,睡眠品質


Background: Sleep disorders are common diseases among adult population. Lack or poor quality of sleeps could cause problems to human health. Objective: This study examined the severities of the sleep apnea and sleepiness for the patients with sleep disorders, analyzed the association between sleep apnea, sleepiness and sleeping qualities, and explored factors correlated with sleep apnea and sleepiness. Methods: Subjects were enrolled in a sleep center of a medical center in central Taiwan, from November 30, 2006 to December 31, 2008.Total 1310 samples were enrolled, excluding incomplete questionnaire and age under 18 years old. Linear regression analysis was used to study the relationships of personal characteristics and sleeping quality to the severity of sleep apnea and sleepiness in different gender and age groups. Results: Most of patients (73%) were overweight, nearly 70% patients suffered from sleep apnea and 40% from sleepiness. Overall, high neck circumferences, high BMI and frequencies of night awakenings were associated factors for the sleep apnea severity. Age, sleep duration, sleep latency, frequencies of night awakenings were associated factors with the sleepiness. Whereas, the significance of these factors varied from gender- and age-specific groups to groups. Conclusion: Those who has larger neck size, overweight, higher severity of sleep apnea, should reduce body weight to improve sleeping qualities. It needs to be aware if the sleep apnea and sleepiness induces obstructive apnea, which could affect sleeping qualities and physical health in clinical care. It’s also important to clarify the risks of sleep disorders by evaluating the differences between the gender or among the age groups of those patients.Keywords: Sleep apnea, sleepiness, sleeping quality


Sleep apnea sleepiness sleeping quality


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