  • 學位論文


Building Integrated Photovoltaic System Trend Analysis

指導教授 : 鄭正豐 許健


太陽能是目前在能源發電裡最受矚目的方法之一,因為環境污染已影響了全球的氣候變遷。人們已開始感受到大自然的反撲,所以在這樣的趨勢下,本研究旨在探討建築整合型太陽光電系統的發展趨勢。建築整合型太陽光電系統有什麼樣的優劣勢,為何它是未來趨勢,它帶給人們的經濟效益是什麼?在目前幾個先趨的國家實施中,遇到了什麼樣的障礙?這些都在研究中一一探討。 本研究著重於分析近10年間建築整合型太陽光電系統發電的產能效益、產量、成本和轉換率發展趨勢,以SPSS 12.0、2D與3D模擬探討建築整合型太陽光電系統的產能效益、成本、產量和轉換率(現階段技術)互動關係。並根據研究變數間的關連性,運用自然對數函數、指數函數與多項式函數發展數理分析模型。最後,以迴歸分析法研究建築整合型太陽光電系統的轉換率與產量對消費者成本的影響、建築整合型太陽光電系統的轉換率對產量的影響及建築整合型太陽光電系統的產量、消費者和轉換率對產能效益的影響。研究結果主要包含三大部分。首先,提昇建築整合型太陽光電系統的轉換率(現階段技術)與產量可降低消費者成本。其次,提昇建築整合型太陽光電系統的轉換率(現階段技術)可增加產量。最後,提昇建築整合型太陽光電系統的轉換率(現階段技術)與產量和降低消費者成本可增加產能效益。


Nowadays solar energy is one of the highlight areas of generating electric power, as the global environment has been changed by pollution dramatically, people have noticed the lifestyle changes. This study is explored the building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems trends. BIPV systems what kind of advantages and disadvantages? Why it is the future trend of the economic benefits it brings people to what? In the current implementation of several countries in the first trend, what kind of obstacles encountered? These are discussed in the study. This research includes statistical data of the past ten years for BIPV systems to generate electricity production efficiency, yield, cost, and conversion rate trends; also, we use SPSS 12.0 to 2D and 3D modeling of BIPV capacity benefits, costs, yield, and conversion rate (Current technology) interaction. And the study of the connection between variables, using the natural logarithm function, exponential function and polynomial function of the development of mathematical models. Then, accordingly by regression analysis of BIPV conversion rate and yield on the impact of consumer cost, BIPV conversion rate on the yield and production of BIPV, consumers and conversion rate on the efficiency of production. These results mainly include three parts. First, upgrade the current stage of BIPV conversion rate (Current technology) and product to reduce consumer costs. Secondly, to enhance the current stage of BIPV conversion rate (Current technology) increased productivity. Finally, to improve the current stage of BIPV conversion rate (Current technology) and the yield can increase productivity and reduce consumer cost-effectiveness.


BIPV system solar energy conversion rate cost capacity


11. European PhotoVoltaic Industry Association (EPIA)(2009), from http://www.epia.org/
16. 哥本哈根氣候變遷高峰會議(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,簡稱UNFCCC)。(2009)。擷取於2009年,自http://mepopedia.com/?page=380。
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