  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation on Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Hybrid System for Buildings

指導教授 : 周鼎金


本研究主要以建築節能與再生能源利用為觀點,探討太陽能光電與熱水複合系統(photovoltaic/thermal, PVT)應用於建築物屋頂構造之可行性,並透過國內外研究PVT系統之基本原理及設計方法等相關文獻的彙整與分析,發展出可實際整合應用之系統雛型,藉由戶外實際測試來評估其性能與效果。 本系統主要由單晶矽之BIPV太陽能光電板與CPC真空管集熱器所組成,研究結果顯示,太陽能光電與熱水複合系統(PVT)全天集熱效率η_th最高可達0.44,為傳統太陽能熱水器的88%,而初級能源總省能效率E_f達到0.72,相較單一太陽能集熱器與發電系統有顯著的提升。在平時有太陽的天氣裡,其水溫可達到45℃以上,適合一般家庭熱水使用,且保溫效果極佳。 本PVT系統的開發與設計,不僅將集熱與光電系統整合在一起,達成提供熱水與發電之目的外,更進一步提升了太陽能單位面積之有效利用率,在現今台灣擁擠的都市空間中,提供了另一種太陽能利用的可能性。此外,本研究也透過將太陽能光電板與集熱器整合為一的方式,降低建置雙系統時的成本與時間,並期待藉助現今的太陽能熱水器市場,推廣其應用範圍,藉此減少太陽能發電系統在市場應用上的阻力。


From the perspective of energy saving and renewable energy utilization, this research focuses on investigating the feasibility and applicability of rooftop photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) system. By examining and analyzing the basic principles and the design methodology of PVT systems from local and foreign research and literature, this research has developed a system prototype that can be practically integrated and applied. The system performance and effects are evaluated through field testing. The current system primarily consists of monocrystalline silicon BIPV solar panels and evacuated tube solar collectors. Research shows a maximum all-day thermal efficiency (η_th) of 0.44 for the PVT system, which is about 88% of a conventional solar water heater, with a total primary-energy saving efficiency (E_f) of 0.72, which is a significant improvement comparing with solar thermal collectors and solar PV systems. On a sunny day, the temperature of water heated by the PVT system can reach above 45℃, suitable for domestic use. The PVT system also works well in maintaining water temperature. More than integrating solar photovoltaic and thermal systems for the purposes of hot water and power generation, the development and design of the current PVT system also further enhances the effective utilization of the solar unit area, providing another possibility for the utilization of solar energy in the crowded urban space in present-day Taiwan. In addition, the findings of this research could reduce the cost and the time required for the installation of solar thermal collector and PV system by integrating the two systems into one, and promote the range of its application with the aid of the current solar water heater market, consequently reducing the resistance in the application of the solar electricity generation systems on the market.


[1] 周鼎金,建築物理,台北:茂榮圖書公司,民國84年。
[2] 周鼎金,建築設備,台北:茂榮圖書公司,民國85年。
[3] 莊嘉琛,太陽能工程•太陽電池篇,台北:全華科技圖書公司,民國86年。
[4] 宋金蓮,太陽能發電原理與應用,台北:五南,民國97年。


張合謙(2012)。地熱能應用於輔助空調系統節能之初探 -以台灣金山萬里地區喜凱亞溫泉會館為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00288
