  • 學位論文


Applying Free Software to Implement "Stars Unit" in Primary Schools-the Effects of Information Integrating into Teaching

指導教授 : 呂克明


本研究採用自由軟體設計國小五年級星星單元資訊融入教材,以電腦多媒體教學的方式,期望能提供國小教師教授本單元時的另一種選擇。實驗結束後,分別探討資訊科技融入教學與傳統講述教學班級於本單元產生之學習成效差異,並進一步以線上晤談方式歸納學生在資訊融入教學模式下產生之迷思概念,以提供未來發展資訊融入自然與生活科技教學與研究之參考。 研究方法為運用教育部所推廣之自由軟體,建置Moodle線上學習平台,透過線上學習的方式進行。並利用此一教學平台,探討資訊融入教學對學童學習成效所造成之影響。研究結果發現:(1)在不同教學模式下,接受資訊科技融入教學之學童具有較佳之學習成效。(2)自然與生活科技學業成就高分組學童之學習成效無顯著差異。(3)實驗組中、低分組學童之學習成效優於控制組。(4)接受資訊科技融入教學之男、女性學童其學習成效無顯著差異。(5)實驗組男性及女性學童之學習成效皆優於控制組。 另在線上晤談中發現:(1)學生對於本單元出現的科學專有名詞較陌生。(2)67%的學童知道以方位及仰角來標示天體在天空中的位置。(3)學童實際觀星的次數過少,因此無法快速完整的回答觀星所必須的工具。(4)44%的學童會有「恆星固定不動」的迷思概念。(5)所有參與晤談學童都知道恆星移動時彼此之間距離不變。(6)89%的學童知道北極星幾乎不動。(7)67%的學童知道在台灣觀察北極星的仰角,但只有44%的學童知道北極星的仰角高度與觀察者的緯度有關;89%的學童知道在南半球看不到北極星。(8)所有參與晤談學童皆能抽象思考判斷方位。


This research is to integrat the information technology into the Stars Unit, the unit of fifth grade textbook in the elementary, and to utilize the free software to design the lesson plans. The results were expected to provide teachers another option to use multi-media as an assisted instruction when teaching this unit. The differences between the information technology integrated into teaching and the traditional teaching were analyzed. Furthermore, an online interview was conducted for students who received this information-integrated instruction in order to conclude any misconceptions for providing to the development of teaching natural and science technology and research, as a conference in the future. The study employed free software to establish a Moodle online learning. Participants studied via this online learning and the effects of information-integrated education for students are then investigated. (1)Students who received information-integrated education had better outcomes. (2)There was no obvious difference on the effect of High-score students. (3)Mid and Low-score students in the experimental group have higher academic performances than students in the control group. (4)There was no significant difference between genders who received information-integrated education. (5)Both male and female participants in the experimental group had better outcomes than participants in control group. Results of online interview: (1) Participants were unfamiliar with the scientific terminologies in this unit. (2)A sixty-seven percentage of students were aware of using the altitude and azimuth to express astronomical objects. (3)Students only had few experiences on observing stars; therefore, they were unable to answer all the necessary tools for star observation. (4)A fourty-four percentage of students had a misconception that the position of star appears to remain the same. (5)All students knew that the distance between stars moving remains fixed. (6) A eighty-neight percentage of students understood the North Star is almost static.(7)A sixty-seven percentage of students understood the elevation angle of observing North Star in Taiwan; however there were only fourty-four percent of students knew that the elevation angle of North Star is related to the observer’s latitude. Moreover, eighty-night percentage of students knew that North Star cannot be observed in south atmosphere. (8)All students participated in this online interview were able to think abstract and determined direction.


