  • 學位論文


A Study on Effects of Digital Teaching Materials in Two-Variable Linear Equation Concept Learning for Seven Graders

指導教授 : 郭伯臣 施淑娟


隨著資訊科技的普及,資訊融入教學成為教育的重要課題,本研究將以國中 七年級「二元一次方程式」單元,研發一套自編輔助教材和多媒體,並結合以「知 識結構」與「貝氏網路」為基礎的電腦適性診斷測驗,設計一套完整的教學、評 量以及補救教學活動,將其應用於教學實驗中,以評估此模式的教學成效。 最後的研究結果如下: 一、編製「二元一次方程式」單元的輔助教材和多媒體,建構以知識結構和貝氏 網路為基礎之電腦適性診斷測驗平台,以診斷學習者之學習成效。 二、使用研究者自編數位教材進行教學後,實驗組前測分數優於控制組,顯示自 編數位教材具有教學成效。 三、實驗組學生的學習表現,經由以資訊融入補救教學,成效優於對照組,且具 有顯著差異,顯示研究者自編之補救教材,的確能幫助學生之學習。 四、自編補救教材經由教師教學成效優於學生自學,且具有顯著差異,顯示教師 教學配合自編之補救教材,的確能幫助學生之學習。


With the popularization of Information Technology, the integrated teaching process with Information Technology has become an important educational subject. Based on the study unit “Two-Variable Linear Equation” from seventh grade in junior high school, this study develops a set of supplementary teaching material and multimedia and combines with diagnostic tests which consists of knowledge structure and Bayesian Network based Computerized Adaptive Test (BNAT) to design a comprehensive instruction activity for teaching, evaluation and supplementary. The instruction activity will then be applied to the experimental teaching process and will be used to evaluate the result of this teaching module. The analysis results are outlined as below: 1. Design curriculum of “Two-Variable Linear Equation” supplementary teaching material and multimedia and construct a platform of Computerized Adaptive Diagnostic Testing which is based on knowledge structure and Bayesian Network, to evaluate student’s learning results. 2. After applying digital teaching materials designed by researcher to the teaching process, the experimental group has better scores than the control group; this shows the positive teaching result of the applied digital teaching materials. 3. With the integrated teaching process with Information Technology, the performance of student from the experimental group is better than the control group with significant difference; this indicates the supplementary teaching materials designed by researcher can certainly help students with their learning process. 4. With the supplementary teaching materials designed by researcher, the result of teacher’s instruction is significantly better than student’s self learning; this shows that teacher’s instruction along with the supplementary teaching materials can certainly help students with their learning process


