  • 學位論文

結合IPA 分析與KANO 模型來評估休閒運動服務品質

Applying IPA analysis and KANO model to evaluate the service quality in leisure and sports

指導教授 : 謝俊逸


由於休閒運動產業日亦劇增,相對的服務品質也越來越被重視,而IPA分析是最常被使用來找出競爭優劣勢的方法,但是並不是所有問卷都有問傳統外顯重要度,一份冗長的問卷可能使填問卷者感到疲憊做答,因此本研究使用五種「重要度」之計算方式,除以傳統問卷取得之外顯重要度外,嘗試加入變異數(Variance)、資訊亂度(Information Entropy)、吉尼–辛普森指標(Gini–Simpson index)以及共同訊息(Mutual Information)作為重要度資訊,並且檢視四種內顯重要度與傳統外顯重要度之一致性,結果顯示,案例一與傳統IPA分析一致性最高的為以資訊亂度為基礎的IPA分析約有77.27%。案例二與傳統IPA分析一致性最高的為以變異數為基礎的IPA分析約有83.33%。未來依據不同的案例而沒有傳統重要度資訊時,可以嘗試以變異數、資訊亂度來替代傳統外顯重要度資訊可能會有較佳的一致性。 當問卷沒有詢問傳統外顯重要度,可使用本研究建議之內顯重要度資訊來替代,而本研究問卷有詢問傳統外顯重要度,故本研究結合了傳統IPA分析以及KANO模型來進行服務品質優劣勢之排序,企業可以依此排序方法來決定那個服務品質問題必須先被解決,使企業資源可以完善的分配,研究結果顯示,案例一的競爭劣勢有四個服務項目,本研究排序結果為第8題>第18題>第21題>第2題,競爭優勢有七個服務項目,本研究排序結果為第12題>第23題>第5題>第22題>第19題>第11題>第7題;案例二的競爭劣勢有六個服務項目,本研究排序結果為第25題>第23題>第13題>第2題>第29題>第6題,競爭優勢有七個服務項目,本研究排序結果為第10題>第5題>第21題>第3題>第7題>第9題>第1題,經由研究結果可將服務品質問題進行排序,以提供企業進行資源分配來改善或者繼續保持該企業的競爭劣勢以及優勢。


Since the surge of leisure industry, the relative service quality is also taken more seriously and the IPA analysis is the most used way to find out the strengths and weaknesses of competition, but not all questionnaires have the explicit importance information. A lengthy questionnaire could make those who were to fill the questionnaire tired. Therefore, the implicit importance is introduced to replace the explicit importance. This research uses four methods to evaluate the performance of IPA analysis based on the implicit importance, including variance, information entropy, Gini-Simpson index, and the mutual information. Comparing the consistency of the four IPA analysis methods based on the implicit importance with that of IPA analysis method based on the traditional explicit importance, the consequence shows that the highest consistency with the traditional IPA analysis in case one is IPA analysis based on information entropy with the consistency about 77.27% while the highest consistency with the traditional IPA in case two is IPA analysis based on variance with the consistency about 83.33%. In the future, we try to use implicit importance to replace traditional explicit importance to apply in different industries when the information of importance is unavailable. In addition, this study combines the traditional IPA analysis and KANO model to prioritize service quality under strengths and weaknesses, respectively. Therefore, the organization can decide which problems of service quality should be resolved first, and to enable enterprises resources be distributed perfectly. Two cases are illustrated in this study. Research results are shown as follows: (I) there are four service items under weaknesses in case one. This study ranked them as follows: Question 8>Question 18>Question 21>Question 2; There are seven service items under strengths in case one. This study ranked them as follows: Question 12>Question 23>Question 5>Question 22> Question 19>Question 11>Question 7; (II) there are six service items under weaknesses in case two. This study ranked them as follows: Question 25>Question 23>Question 13>Question 2>Question 29>Question 6; There are seven services items under strengths in case two. The research ranked them as follows: Question 10>Question 5>Question 21>Question 3>Question 7>Question 9>Question 1. Through the consequence of this study we can prioritize the service quality and provide strategies for enterprises to improve or maintain the competitive disadvantages and advantages of the enterprise.


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