  • 學位論文


A Study of Outbound Travel Packages Decisions among Teachers with Different Lifestyles

指導教授 : 李偉權博士


教師族群是旅行業者喜歡拉攏的客戶群,本研究主要目的在瞭解不同生活型態集群之教師在旅遊產品消費行為上之情形為何。本研究以北中南三地區教師為研究對象,研究期間為2011 年3 月15 日至4 月30 日,以便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發出335 份問卷,回收328 份,剔除填答不全之無效問卷2份後,有效問卷共有326份,問卷回收率為94.3%。資料回收後以敘述性統計、因素分析、K-means 集群分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方式進行資料處理與分析,獲得結果分述如下: 一、教師之生活型態集群:共分為集群一「淡定冷靜型」、集群二「積極追求型」、集群三「寫意生活型」。 二、教師之生活型態集群在個人基本資料之分析:三集群在「出國旅遊經驗上」上達顯著差異。 三、教師之不同生活型態集群在消費行為之購買動機、資訊來源、方案評估上有顯著差異存在。根據本研究之結論,以提供旅遊產品相關業者及後續研究者具體之建議。


Teachers are the best target market of the outbound travel industry. The purpose of this study is to understand the how differences in lifestyle of teachers affect their choices of travel packages. 335 Questionaires were distributed to samples of teachers in northern, middle, and southern Taiwan, from March 15th to April 30th, 2011. After deleting 2 invalid questionnaires, the returned rate was 94.3%. Data was analyzed using Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, K-means, Chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1. Samp teachers were divided into 3 clusters: “Calm and cool group”, “Active pursuit group”, and “Easy-going group” . 2. Different lifestyle clusters show that significant differences among “experience in traveling abroad”. 3. Different lifestyle clusters show significant differences on purchase demands, information source, and the assessing criterion of consumer behavior.


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