  • 學位論文


Building a Chromatic E-Learning System Based on Mastery Learning Theory–A Case Study of Color Order System Course

指導教授 : 周永振 陳啟東


近年來,台灣各項設計在國際上競相嶄露頭角,更從競爭激烈的多個國家中脫穎而出取得「2011年世界設計大會」的主辦資格。種種表現代表著我們正朝著結合科技、人文與設計之島發展方向邁進。未來設計相關產業人才必然供不應求,如何快速培育業界需求人才實是刻不容緩。然而所有設計相關從業人員的基礎必修科目是色彩學。從色彩屬性認知、色彩體系理解、混色方法以至配色運用等,無一不影響成品最後呈現的質感與效果。如何能更有效學習色彩學各項知識是學習者與教學者所欲達成的目標。在色彩學領域中,對初學者而言最因難的理論非「色彩體系」(Color Order System)莫屬。各國國家標準局皆有指定之色彩體系作為國家工業規格或國定統一表色法。要能正確而快速的理解各家學說實非易事。 本研究利用互動式多媒體學習系統—Top Learn,導入精熟學習理論為基礎,設計一系列活潑有趣的色彩體系數位學習教材,其中更加入主題探索(WebQuest)課程,讓學習者運用網路上的相關資源,透過分析、綜合、判斷和思考能力來探索問題,完成指定的任務。並運用網路技術在不受時空的限制下能夠提供學習者一個適性化、更有彈性的學習環境。藉由系統記錄學習歷程、線上測驗結果等資訊作為教學者對學習成效的分析及往後教材的調整依據。對於學習成效欠佳的學習者更可以利用系統所提供的線上討論等互動功能,提出問題並獲得同儕或輔導者幫助,充分利用數位學習的優勢及便利性不斷重新學習色彩體系課程內容直至精熟,達成「網路即教室、學習無時差」的學習目標。未來更能藉由數位學習教材模組化來分享教材,使教材出版平民化,對於學習者的學習行為及學習樣式獲得更多了解與掌握,以教材為中心,提供即時、適性的多樣化學習管道。


In recent years, Taiwanese industrial designers have taken home many medals from design competitions around the world and claimed a distinguished position on the global stage for their designs. Taiwan also beat out many countries during a fierce screening process to win the right to host the 2011 IDA Congress . All of this indicates that Taiwan is on a course to become an island based on technology, culture, and industrial design. Therefore, it is inevitable that we will soon face a dearth of talent in the design and design-related industries. It is therefore imperative to cultivate enough talent to meet future industry needs. However, all prospective design-related professionals must tackle the fundamental study of chromatics before they enter this field of business. This is because factors such as color attributes, the color order system, color mixing techniques, and color application all determine the quality and aesthetics of the finished product. As a result, both learners and instructors want to ensure a more effective study of all the areas of chromatics. Among the various theories of chromatics, the most challenging area for beginners has proven to be the color order system. The national standard institute of every country adopts their own color order system as part of the nation’s industrial standards or standard color notation system. For aspiring designers, it is difficult to quickly and accurately grasp all of the various theories behind these color order systems. In this research, I allow instructors to utilize Top Learn, an interactive multi-media learning system. By utilizing the mastery learning theory, instructors are able to design a series of lively and interesting E-Learning materials focused on the color order system. The theme-based WebQuest curriculum is also introduced so that learners are able to access relevant resources on the Internet and explore questions while working through lesson tasks using their analytic, integration, judgment, and deliberative abilities. Since Internet technology goes beyond the limits of time and space, learners have access to a personalized and more flexible learning setting. With the help of information such as the learner’s progress log on the system, online test results, and more, instructors can analyze the learning results of the learners and adjust the teaching materials accordingly. Instructors may also make use of the system’s interactive functions, such as the on-line discussion forum, to pose questions and provide assistance to underachieving learners with the help of their peers or mentors. In so doing, they make the best use of the advantages and convenience offered by digital learning to continuously learn the color order system lessons until the materials are truly mastered and, as a result, the educational goal contained in the statement, “The Internet Classroom: Learning without Time Constraints” will also be realized. In the future, it might even be possible to share these lessons through the modularization of the digital learning materials and make them lessons available to everyone. Program developers and instructors will then be able to better grasp the learning behaviors and patterns of the learners and develop a variety of instant and personalized learning channels derived from the original lessons.


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