  • 學位論文


A Study of the Leisure Exercise Participation and Achievement Motivation of Junior High School’s Dropout Students

指導教授 : 曾塍睿


我國近年來,由於社會之急遽變遷,功利主義盛行,倫理道德沉淪,導致社會問題層出不窮。教育亦飽受挑戰與衝擊,學生向學意願低落,師生關係疏離;加以「十年教改」流弊所及,學校教育亂象叢生,學生壓力不減反增,造成中途輟學學生人數有增無減根據,依教育部資料顯示:98學年度全國國中中輟學生人數高達5,063人,本研究目的旨在瞭解國中中輟學生參與休閒運動概況及成就動機。 根據問卷調查實際所得資料,分別以項目分析、信度分析、驗證性因素分析、描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料統計與分析,並提出以下結論: 一、國中中輟學生參與休閒運動現況: 每週參與次數以「1~2 次」為最多;每次參與時間以「31-60分鐘」為最多;參與時段以「08-12」比例最高;參與主要時日以「星期六~星期日」為最多;參與之同伴以「同學」最多;主要場所,以「學校運動場」最多;參與目的,以「紓解壓力」比例最高。 二、國中中輟生最期望參與休閒運動項目有「籃球」、「排球」、「羽球」、「桌球」、「網球」、「撞球」及「游泳」等7 項。 三、國中中輟生的成就動機每題平均數4.34,均超出平均數,所以成就動機屬於中等偏高程度,各層面排序分析,依序為:1.求勝取向;2.自我取向;3.挑戰取向;4.成就取向。 四、不同「性別」、「身份類別」、「父母婚姻狀況」、「父母社經地位」及「父母期望」等,對國中中輟生成就動機有顯著差異。 五、不同「年級」、有沒「參加社團或校隊」等,對國中中輟生的成就動機沒有顯著差異。


In recent years, since the rapid variation of society, utilitarianism, and the perishing of morality, the social problems emerged in an endless stream. The education system has also under challenged and impacted from the lower studying aspiration of students and the separation relationship between teachers and students. In the mean time, since the results of “10- year education reformation”, the disorder of school’s education system caused the increasing pressure of students. This phenomenon also caused the increasing number of dropout students. According to the statistics of Education Department, there were 5,063 junior high school dropout students in 98th education year. This purpose of this research is wishing to realize the leisure participation situation and achievement motivation of junior high school dropout students. According to the actual information from the survey, the item analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, description statistic, independent- sample t test and ANOVA were used to progress the data statistic and analysis, the results are as follow: 1. The leisure exercise participation of junior high school’s dropout students. The most period of leisure exercise participation is “1-2 period”, the most participated time is “31-60 minutes”, the most participated during 0800 to 1200 o’clock in the weekend. The most accompanies are classmates, the main location is the school gym, and the most participated object is to release pressure. 2.The most expected leisure exercise of junior high school’s dropout students include basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, tennis, pool ball, and swimming. 3. The means of achievement motivation is 4.34 with high level. And the means of each dimension in turn of victory orientation, selfhood orientation, challenge orientation and achievement orientation. 4. The achievement motivation has significant difference among different gender, identification, parent’ marriage condition, parent’ social- economic status, and parent’ expectation. 5. The achievement motivation didn’t have significant difference among different grades and whether participated in the school group and school team.


王宏義、蔡鋒樺(2009),青少年足球運動員休閒運動參與調查研究,福爾摩沙體育學刊 第三期,48-56。
