  • 學位論文


The Study of Dharma Drum Mountain’s Protecting Spiritual Environment on the Spiritual Improvement and Management of Organizational Leaders

指導教授 : 陳定銘


摘要 近代東、西方的世界在資本重商主義,金錢掛帥下,經濟發達與繁榮;而追求利潤極大化,導致嚴重的環保問題、食安問題,進而造成社會道德的日漸式微,影響民生至鉅。因此,法鼓山的心靈環保,可以彰顯人的本質與善良面向,是當前的一盞明燈。人的行動力取決於起心動念的初發心,有多少願力就有多大的力量,這是創新的理念,而企業經營者對社會善盡責任與捐贊助款比例和穩定性,端賴其善的心態。 故本研究是以如何提昇組織經營者心靈與經營管理為主旨,其中以法鼓山的理念心靈環保為基礎;進而尋求探訪對心靈環保深入了解和實踐的組織領導者六人,加以分析比較,驗證心靈環保對心靈提昇和經營領導的成果。研究結果發現,心靈環保提昇個人的心靈並促進家庭美滿;心靈環保是組織領導者精進的指南,並對社會形成正向的影響;心靈環保可增進幸福的感受,並實現了幸福經濟的願景,更是對當今物質富裕,而精神生活卻漸顯貧乏的困境,展現出人間淨土的美景。 關鍵字:心靈環保、組織領導者、心靈提昇、經營管理


Abstract In the modern eastern and western world, under the command of mercantilism and capitalism, the current economy is unprecedentedly prosperous. However, the pursuit of profit maximization over time has led to serious environmental issues and food safety problems worldwide, which in turn have resulted in the deterioration of social morality and have affected people’s livelihoods to a great extent. Human beings are inherently good, and Dharma Drum Mountain’s protection spiritual environment is a beacon of light today. One’s action starts with an idea. Where there is a will, there is power. This is the concept of innovation. However, the frequency and proportion of donations made by organization leaders rely on their mentality and mindset. Thus, this study examines how to improve the spirituality and business management of organizational leaders, with Dharma Drum Mountain’s protecting spiritual environment as its core. By interviewing six organizational leaders who have a deep understanding and practice of protecting spiritual environment, the paper analyzes and demonstrates the compare how protecting spiritual environment has improved their spirituality and leadership. This research shows that protecting spiritual environment greatly contributes to the spiritual well-being of individuals and family happiness; protecting spiritual environment acts as a guide for organizational leaders to create a positive impact on society; protecting spiritual environment improves the feeling of bliss and realizes the economy of well-being. Which demonstrates the beauty of a pure land in a world that is rich in material yet poor in spirituality. Keywords: Protecting Spiritual Environment, Organizational Leaders, Spiritual Improvement, Business Management




胡龍騰、黃瑋瑩、潘中道(譯)(2000)。Ranjit Kumar (著)。 研究方法:步驟化學習指南。台北市:學富。
