  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Kammaṭṭhāna in Vimuttimagga and Visuddhimagga

指導教授 : 釋惠敏


本文源於想釐清《解脫道論》「行處」與《清淨道論》「業處」的動機,以比較研究的方法,從「架構」與「內容」兩個切入點對於行處(業處)比較研究,試著達成兩個目的,也就是:釐清行處(業處)架構演變過程以及兩論之間行處(業處)內容的差異。 研究顯示:首先,就架構上,從《解脫道論》三十八行處至《清淨道論》四十業處的演化過程,可以窺視三十八行處為赤銅牒部行處(業處)的雛型。而覺音於《清淨道論》調整為四十業處。主要調整的架構是十一切入與二無色。其次,就內容上,筆者先敘述兩論行處(業處)共同的的修習概要,繼而指出兩論主要的差異,以此方式貫徹行處(業處)內容的比較研究。由於內容龐大,筆者在說明各個行處(業處)的比較研究結果之後,提出幾個重要的發現。即:《解脫道論》的念佛有兩類,即:「初期傳統之念佛」以及「傾向大乘之念佛」,《清淨道論》只保有第一類。《解脫道論》的慈心觀有三類,即「人天修慈」、「二乘修慈」「菩薩修慈」,《清淨道論》只有第一類;等等。


This thesis studies the theories of Kammaṭṭhāna found in Vimuttimagga and Visuddhimagga. By comparing the two treatises, this thesis aims to clarify the structural changes incurred upon the theory of Kammaṭṭhāna during its development in Visuddhimagga from Vimuttimagga, and how the two contents vary. Firstly, from the structural perspective, the study finds that the 38 categories of Kammaṭṭhāna in Vimuttimagga acted as the base for Visuddhimagga (a prominent treatise of the school of Tāmraśāṭīya) and was expanded to 40 categories in the latter by Buddhaghosa. The adjustments made were identified to be in the structures of the ten kasiṇa and two arūpa.Secondly, from the perspective of the content, the common practices found in the two treatises were illustrated, followed by their main differences. Without going into details the results of the comparison study, some of the most important findings are given as follow. For example, while there are two types of Buddhānussati in Vimuttimagga, namely the “Buddhānussati of the early Buddhist tradition”(初期傳統之念佛) and the “Buddhānussati with Mahāyana tendency”(傾向大乘之念佛), only the first type remains in Visuddhimagga. Moreover, while there are three categories of Mettā Bhāvanā in Vimuttimagga, namely the “Mettā Bhāvanā practice of human and heavenly beings (人天修慈)”, “Mettā Bhāvanā practice of Sāvaka-pacceka yāna (二乘修慈) ”, and “Mettā Bhāvanā practice of bodhisatta (菩薩修慈)”, only the first category remains in Visuddhimagga, and so on.


Vimuttimagga Visuddhimagga Kammaṭ na


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