  • 學位論文


The Application of Aromatherapy to Relieve Work Pressure of Hospice Nurse -- Taking a Regional Hospital in Taoyun as an Example

指導教授 : 鄭曉楓


本論文研究為,以芳香療法減壓課程應用,對安寧療護護理人員幫助減緩工作壓力之成效。採用實驗研究之等組前後測設計,研究對象招募桃園某一區域醫院的安寧療護護理人員34人參與,隨機分派為實驗組及控制組各17人。搭配研究機構安寧護理人員需求及建議,設計為六單元芳香療法減壓課程。主題包括:1.勞累要保養-肩頸肌肉酸痛芳香療法、2.頭輕放空中-頭痛舒壓芳香療法、3.夜夜好安眠-失眠淺眠芳香療法、4.放鬆深呼吸-過敏呼吸道芳香療法、5.天天好消化-腸胃健康芳香療法、6.心情好自在-安定溝通芳香療法。 研究流程包括,將人員於研究前期隨機分派兩組,並對兩組進行前測問卷測試,其問卷內容有:「護理人員工作壓力量表」及「測試者基本資料」二部分記錄兩組現況。研究者再針對實驗組施予每週一單元共計6單元,每單元1.5小時的芳香療法減壓課程,並於課程中撰寫教學日誌講師記錄,觀察學員的學習狀況及反應;另控制組則未給予任何介入措施。6單元課程執行完畢後一週內,再將二組同時進行後測測試,其問卷內容同前測之。收集完畢即進行分析,以描述性統計、t檢定等做其統計研究,以探討芳香療法對於安寧療護護理人員減緩工作壓力之成效,統計顯著水準訂為α= .05。並於兩組完成後測問卷後,後續補償性作業為控制組上相同之減壓課程。 其研究結果,經獨立t檢定其實驗及對照兩組於課程介入後,後測比較無顯著差異;而以實驗組單組觀察,前後測分數做相依t檢定分析,其壓力評分有顯著的降低,且於問卷四大壓力項目中的其中兩個「工作關注」及「無法完成私人工作」此二大項皆有明顯改善。加上教學日誌講師記錄之綜合觀察,發現能有效減緩安寧療護理人員工作壓力,有利於醫療品質提升,更進而達到身心健康的勞安品質。建議可將芳香療法減壓課程加以應用,為醫護人員工作壓力減緩更實質的幫助。


This research studies the effectiveness of the application of aromatherapy stress relief courses in helping hospice nurse to relieve work pressure. Adopting the pre- and post-test design of the experimental study, the research subjects recruited 34 nursing and nursing staff from a hospital in Taoyun as an example, and they were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group with 17 people each. It is designed as a six-unit aromatherapy stress relief course based on the needs and suggestions of the nursing staff in research institutions. Topics include: 1. Tiredness intervention-shoulder and neck muscle soreness aromatherapy, 2. Head lightly in the air-headache relief aromatherapy, 3. Good night sleep-insomnia and sleep difficulty aromatherapy, 4. Relax deep breathing- respiratory tract aromatherapy, 5. Good digestion every day-aromatherapy for gastrointestinal health, 6. Good mood and comfort-aromatherapy for communication. The research process includes randomly assigning the nurse to two groups in the early stage of the study, and conducting a pre-test questionnaire on the two groups. The questionnaire content includes: "Nursing Staff Work Stress Scale" and "Tester Basic Information" two parts to record the status of the two groups, the researcher then gave the experimental group a 6-unit- aromatherapy stress relief course, 1 unit per week, each persists 1.5 hours, and wrote a teaching log in the course, lecturer's records, and observed the learning status and reaction of the students; the control group did not give any intervention measures. After the completion of the 6-unit course, the two groups will be tested at the same time within one week. The content of the questionnaire is the same as the pre-test. After the collection is completed, the analysis will be carried out, and the statistical research will be done with descriptive statistics, t-tests, etc., to explore the effectiveness of aromatherapy in alleviating work pressure for nursing staff. The statistical significance level is set as α= .05. After the two groups completed the post-test questionnaire, the compensatory stress relief course in the control group will be given afterward. The results of the study showed that after the independent t-test, the experimental and control two groups had no significant difference in the post-test after the course intervention; while the experimental group was observed in a single group, and the pre- and post-test scores were analyzed by the dependent t test, and the pressure scores were significantly reduced. , And two of the four stress items in the questionnaire, "work concerns" and "unable to complete private work", have significantly improved. Along with the comprehensive observations recorded by the lecturer in the teaching log, it is found that it can effectively alleviate the work pressure of nursing staff in nursing care, which is conducive to the improvement of medical quality, and further achieves the quality of physical and mental health. It is recommended that aromatherapy stress relief courses can be applied to provide more substantial help for medical staff to relieve their work pressure.


work stress hospice nurse aromatherapy stress relief


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