  • 學位論文


A Study of the Pāli Buddhavaṃsa

指導教授 : 莊國彬


《佛史(Buddhavaṃsa)》是後期巴利語文獻,專門講述二十五佛的佛傳故事,全書為偈頌體。每尊佛的成佛描述方式雖略有不同,但不變的是其它二十四佛每尊佛皆對喬達摩佛的前世授記。燃燈佛是第一位對喬達摩佛的前生授記的佛陀,由此開展出喬達摩菩薩累劫累世的修行。本書一方面概說過去諸佛的過去史,一方面是諸佛出世時,喬達摩佛那時的出生的身份,亦是喬達摩佛的本生故事。本論文以文獻比對的方法,從現存的巴利、漢譯經典中有關七佛、燃燈佛授記與喬達摩佛傳的經典與之比對,考察其異同。 第一章為緒論,簡介本論文的研究動機與目的、研究方法與學界研究成果。第二章為巴利語《佛史》探討,簡介內容說明與描述模式;比較二十五佛的異同;探討《佛史》與《佛史注》的差異;並針對與《佛史》有關的當代文獻,嘗試推論《佛史》的可能成立年代。第三章是《佛史》或《佛史注》與巴利文獻的比對,將《長部.大本經》與之比對七佛與毗婆尸佛的部份;將《本生注》、《行藏注》、《法集論注》、《法句注》、律藏〈大品.大犍度〉與之比對燃燈佛授或喬達摩的佛傳;並比對相關的漢譯經典。第四章為結論。 經過比對,發現《佛史》基本上參考了《長部.大本經》的內容,並加以延續由七佛擴大至二十五佛,《佛史》可說是《大本經》的延續與擴展。且推測那時喬達佛的傳記就已略具雛型了,並在傳記的形成過程中逐漸加入一些項目,以構成一部完整的佛傳。從《大本經》的七佛到《佛史》 的二十五佛、二十八佛,再到的大乘佛教的百千萬億佛,《佛史》一方面可說是早期大乘佛教思想的來源,《佛史》出現的神化佛陀思想,影響了大乘佛教的佛陀觀。另一面方《佛史》中諸佛成佛的傳記建立了佛陀思想體系的傳承,成為任何人走在成佛之道上的規範。


佛史 七佛 燃燈佛授記 佛傳


Buddhavaṃsa belongs to the late period of Pāli literature. It specially describes the biography of Buddhahood attainment for twenty-five Buddhas and is written in gāthā. Although the way of the description of every Buddha has a little bit different, the same is the other twenty-four former Buddhas all prophesied to the former lives of Gotama Buddha that he would become a Buddha after incalculable kappas. Dīpaṅkara Buddha is the first Buddha to prophesy the previous lives of Gotama Buddha, from then unfold the practice of Gotama Buddha's previous lives in incalculable kappas. The text on one hand simply mentions the history of former Buddhas, on the other hand mentions the identity of Gotama Buddha at that time while those Buddhas arose. The text belongs to the birth stories of Gotama Buddha. The present thesis is using literature comparison, that is comparing Buddhavaṃsa to extant Pāli and Chinese translation materials about seven Buddhas, Dīpaṅkara Buddha prophecy story and the biograhy of Gotama Buddha in order to tell the differences. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter one is the Instruction, it introduces the research motive and purpose of this thesis, method and the research result in the academia. Chaptaer two is a research of the Buddhavaṃsa, to introduce the content and the form of the description, to compare the differences between twenty-five Buddhas, to compare the differences between Buddhavaṃsa and Buddhavaṃsaṭṭhakathā, and to use the present-day literatures to try to find out the dating when Buddhavaṃsa was composed. Chapter three is the comparison of Buddhavaṃsa / Buddhavaṃsaṭṭhakathā and Mahāpadānasutta about seven Buddhas, Vipassin Buddha, and Jātakaṭṭhakathā, Cariyāpiṭakaṭṭhakathā, Atthasālin, Dhammapaddaṛṭṭhakathā, Mahāvagga Mahākkhandhaka about the Dīpaṅkara Buddha prophecy story and the biography of Gotama Buddha. Also to compare with related Chinese translation materials. Chapter four, the conclusion. The comparison shows that Buddhavaṃsa basically refers to Mahāpadānasutta and to extend from seven Buddhas to twenty-five Buddhas, Buddhavaṃsa can be referred to as extention and expansion of Mahāpadānasutta. And suppose the biography of the prescribed form of Gotama Buddha had been taken shape at that time, some items were gradually added in the shaping process in order to form a complete Buddha biography. From seven Buddhas in Mahāpadānasutta to twenty-five, twenty-eight Buddhas, then to hundreds, thousands, millions of Buddhas in Mahāyāna Buddhism, on one hand Buddhavaṃsa can be referred to as the origin of idea for Early Mahāyāna Buddhism. The idea of the Buddha-deification appears in Buddhavaṃsa effects the view of Buddha in Mahāyāna Buddhism. On the other hand Buddhavaṃsa establishes an ideology of Buddha lineage, it becomes a norm for anyone on the path to Buddhahood.


Buddhavaṃ sa


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