  • 學位論文


Zen Practice in “Plowing the Mind Field” and “A Pure Land on Earth”

指導教授 : 陳清香


常人心如柳絮,隨風飛散,身不由己,心不由己,不以為苦。佛教教主釋迦牟尼佛則在2500年前就為眾生建構了一套教理,以四聖諦、戒定慧三增上學、八正道等完整理論,為人指出耕耘心田,是行善轉變果報品質的關鍵,也是改變命運、寂滅為樂之道。 本文透過解讀耕心田圖與人間淨土圖之圖像訊息,分析圖像內涵、結構、佈局與其指涉物,以此路徑釐清法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師心目中之禪的樣貌,處理、論證禪修效用的文獻與實作體驗,提供讀者以禪立宗之法鼓山的另一種詮釋觀點,彰顯禪修攝心、安心的作用。 由於一般人不能清楚理解因果報應的觀念,故不能確切把握緣起法與果報之概念,與兩者相互作用、影響結果是俗諺之善有善報,惡有惡報,不是不報,時候未到。因而對於渴愛,總是心存僥倖,欲抄捷徑,無法自制,不顧後果。 《中論》卷4〈 觀四諦品〉:「是故經中說,若見因緣法,則為能見佛,見苦集滅道。」若人見一切法從眾緣生,是人即能見佛法身,增益智慧,能見四聖諦苦集滅道,見四聖諦得四果,滅諸苦惱。(CBETA, T30, no. 1564, p. 34, c6-10) 而為了斷苦之根,喬達摩•悉達多以戒定慧三無漏學之戒、定收攝大眾身心,因此本文選擇以定學的禪修入手,捨棄眾人鑽研之文字文獻,而透過圖像符號的視覺角度來詮釋、體會其中的無聲之歌。 本論文之預期效果,是期望描繪出禪之輪廓與效用,透過剖析耕心田圖與人間淨土圖,指出圖像所具備的溝通效果、弘法功能,與其中所隱藏的聖嚴思想。 展望未來研究目標,圖像不只具備宗教上的弘法功能,在佛教中還是一種修習禪觀之所緣,是自攝攝他的禪修法門,例如《觀無量壽佛經》中的十六觀法,或是密教曼荼羅圖像等,皆值得更進一步繼續鑽研、理解其中禪觀修行運作之法。


Common people's hearts seem like willow's leaves, flying off with the wind. People hardly handle their bodies and minds. Therefore, they do not fully recognize the gravity of this situation so that they are unable to be aware of the truth of pain and suffering in the world. 2500 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, built the theories about the Four Noble Truth, three Learnings (sila, samadhi and prajna) and the Noble Eightfold Path. He pointed out that plowing human mental field is the chief key to transform evils into good merits. At the same time, it helps humans change their fates and attain Nirvana. This thesis mainly focuses on receiving messages from Plowing the mind field and A pure land on earth. With a careful examination, these two paintings will be analyzed their particular meanings, structures, styles and signifiers. On the basis of analyses' process, it helps distill the true meanings of chan from Master Sheng Yen's viewpoint, the founder of Dharma Drum Mountain. Also, it deals with the related documentary reviews and assisting in understanding the implications of chan and provides readers another points of view of chan from Dharma Drum Mountain to show effectively reaching concentration. Due to lack of clear understanding of the cause and effect and retribution, more people hardly follow the truth of Twelvefold Conditioned Arising and the fruits of karma (phala). Both of these two concepts interact and affect each other. As a moral precept says,"causing harm to others will finally bring harm to oneself in an indirect way. Helping others will bring benefit to oneself. The consequence from good deeds or bad behaviors might not come immediately, but it may be overdue in return." As a result, human beings often condone its effect from their desire or thirst (tanha). If they forget the cosequences from cause and effect, they may have difficulty handling their bodies and minds. Therefore, they may easily want to take a short-cut but this ignorance will bring a harmful result. According to 《Madhyamika sutra》vol. 4 , "the sutra says that if human beings can contemplate Law of Causal Condition, the fundamental doctrine of Buddhism, they can know about the Buddha and understand the rules of the noble truth of suffering, the cause of suffering, the path to the end of suffering and the end of suffering." If people can understand that all existing things in the universe are inter-dependent, they can see the dharma-kaya (the body of the Buddha's Dharma) and increase wisdom of the practitioners. If people attain the wisdom to understand the Four Noble Truth, they can cut off the vexation and get the "Four Rewards". In order to cut off the root of suffering, Siddhartha Goutama took advantage of sila and meditation to settle down scattered mind of the public and make them cultivate meditative concentration. Consequently, the discourse is based on meditation but it gives up the literal interpretations from the public. With viusal point of view, this article may examine carefully pictorial symbols and help readers undergo the voiceless song. This thesis expects to portray the outline and effect of the wheel of chan. Through the analysis of the pictures of Plowing the mind field and A pure land on earth, both of them would be proved the fouctions of communication and Dharma delivery and the inner philosophy of Master Sheng Yen. In the future, the purpose of the researches of the Buddha's portraits may open a broad prospect, not just having the function of Dharma delivery. The Buddha's portraits also belong to the practice method of dhyana-contemplation as "objects of perception (ālambana)", which can help practitioners pay attention and calm down other practitioners. For example, the Sixteen Contemplations in the《Vipasyana Sukhavativyuha Sutra》or the pictures of mandala in the esoteric Buddhism all deserves practitioners deeply serious consideration so as to discover proper practice process.


《法句譬喻經》卷3〈23 安寧品〉。CBETA, T04, no. 211。
《大方廣佛華嚴經》卷19〈20 夜摩宮中偈讚品〉。CBETA, T10, no. 279。
《定應大師布袋和尚傳》卷1。CBETA, X86, no. 1597。
《雜阿含經》卷4。CBETA, T02, no. 99。
