  • 學位論文


A study on the key success factors of the operations of an emergency operation center for local governments

指導教授 : 鄧子正


在災害發生時,災害應變中心(emergency operations center;EOC)扮演災害處理的重要角色與整合協調各部門的任務,而地方政府災害應變中心(emergency operations center of local government)更是作為聯繫中央與地方政府部門之間的主要溝通橋樑。因此,地方政府災害應變中心的運作成功與否將關係著整個災害事件的應變發展。為了要暸解哪些因素是足以影響地方政府災害應變中心的運作,本研究將深入探討地方政府災害應變中心運作的關鍵成功因素(Key Success Factors;KSF)並將之賦予其優先順序。 本研究使用德菲法(Delphi Method)發放17份的專家調查問卷,篩選出五大面向與二十三項因素指標之關鍵成功因素;與應用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process;AHP),發放17份的專家調查問卷將篩選出的關鍵成功因素依序賦予優先順序。 一、本研究發現如下: (一)在主要關鍵影響因素方面: 五大面向分別為編組架構、整備作業、作業規範、溝通聯繫、組織運作。而重要程度依序為「溝通聯繫」(30.22%),「組織運作」(26.23%),「作業規範」(17.04%),「整備作業」(14.53%),「編組架構」(11.97%)。 (二)在相關關鍵因素的權重方面: 二十三項重要因素指標分別為: 1.「編組架構」方面:如人員任務分配、編組功能合適、權責區分。 重要程度依序為「權責區分」(46.52%),人員任務分配(27.00%),編組功能合適(26.48%)。 2.「整備作業」方面:如編組人員名單更新(含緊急通訊錄)、防災資料庫建置(含電腦測試)、每日器材裝備的維護(含通訊測試)、平時的教育訓練、不定時的測試演練、年度預算編列(含開口契約訂定)。 重要程度前三名依序為平時的教育訓練(23.18%),年度預算編列(含開口契約訂定)(21.42%),每日器材裝備的維護(含通訊測試)(17.59%)。 3.「作業規範」方面:如訂定標準作業程序、建立資源優先順序。 重要程度依序為訂定標準作業程序(60.42%),建立資源優先順序(39.58%)。 4.「溝通聯繫」方面:如EOC與首長的溝通聯繫、EOC各編組之間的溝通聯繫(上、下級單位、內部小組、現場單位)、了解各編組的對應窗口(上、下層級部門、災害現場、與支援局處)、容易下達下層EOC或災害現場的決策命令、EOC易與各局處部門進行溝通協調、EOC與新聞媒體互動良好。 重要程度前三名依序為EOC與首長的溝通聯繫(23.91%),容易下達下層EOC或災害現場的決策命令(21.89%),EOC與新聞媒體互動良好(16.01%)。 5.「組織運作」方面:如訊息傳遞無礙、掌握EOC相關部門之應變能力、建立資源調派能力、掌握災情與分析研判、執行各項搶救作業(搶救人命/工程搶修/搶險作業等)、劃定警戒區與執行疏散命令。 重要程度前三名依序為掌握災情與分析研判(23.82%),訊息傳遞無礙(19.01%),劃定警戒區與執行疏散命令(15.58%) 二、本研究建議如下: (一)「溝通聯繫」才是發揮地方政府災害應變中心運作最重要的關鍵成功因素。 (二)有關「作業規範」方面,應積極建立地方政府災害應變中心相關的標準作業程序。 (三)有關「整備作業」方面,則應著重人員之平時訓練。 (四)有關「組織運作」方面,首重掌握災情與分析研判。 (五)有關「編組架構」方面,應釐清地方政府災害應變中心定位與人員的權責區分。 (六)未來可建立地方政府災害應變中心成功運作之評估機制。 (七)可參考本研究的關鍵成功因素依重要順序與實務需求相結合。


An emergency operations center (EOC) plays the major role in the handling of disasters and the integration of tasks which are assigned to departments. Likewise, an emergency operations center of local government plays an important part in the contact between the central government and local government departments. Therefore, whether the EOC of a local government operates successfully affects the development of a disaster. In order to find out the factors that will affect the functioning of the EOC of a local government, this research probe into its Key Success Factors (KSF) and decide the hierarchical order of those factors. Delphi Method was applied, through which 17 experts in the field are selected to answer questionnaires. From the questionnaires I sieved out 5 dimensions and 23 factors. To give a hierarchical order to these factors, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied in the analysis of the questionnaires. 1.The findings are as follows: (1)The five dimensions are organization framework, preparation, operation norm, communication and organization operation. The importance of each dimension is decided by percentage and presented as follows: communication, 30.22%; organization operation, 26.23%; operation norm, 17.04%; preparation, 14.53%; organization framework, 11.97%. (2)The 23 factors are as follows: A.The dimension of organization framework includes such items as task distribution, proper functioning of organization and distinction among responsibilities. The importance of each item is decided by percentage and presented as follows: distinction of responsibilities, 46.52%; task distribution, 27.00%; proper functioning of organization, 26.48%. B.The dimension of preparation includes such items as staff name list update (including an emergency address book), disaster database establishment (including system test), daily equipment maintenance (including communication system test), education and training, random drills and annual budgeting (including contract making). The three most important items are presented hierarchically as follows: education and training, rated 23.18%; annual budgeting (including contract making), rated 21.42%; daily equipment maintenance (including communication system test), rated 17.59%. C.The dimension of operation norm includes such items as standard procedure establishment and resource priority establishment. The importance of each item is decided by percentage and presented as follows: standard procedure establishment, 60.42%; resource priority establishment, 39.58%. D.The dimension of communication includes such items as communication between an EOC and the supervisor (e.g. the Mayor), communication among EOC departments (upper and lower departments, interior units, on-the-scene units, etc.), corresponding units of departments (upper and lower departments, disaster scenes, supporting bureaus, etc.), decisions which are more easily conveyed to lower EOCs or disaster scenes, coordination of the EOCs and other bureaus, and good interaction with the mass media. The most important three items are presented hierarchically as follows: communication between an EOC and the superviser, 23.91%; decisions which are more easily conveyed to lower EOCs or disaster scenes, 21.89%; good interaction with the mass media, 16.01%. E.The dimension of organization operation includes such items as smooth communication, knowledge for the emergency measures of EOC departments, establishment of resource dispatch abilities, control over and analysis of disaster conditions, execution of rescue work (e.g. life, construction repairs, rush repairs, etc.), defining the boundary of precautionary area and execution of evacuation mandates. The most important three items are presented hierarchically as follows: control over and analysis of disaster conditions, 23.82%; smoothcommunication, 19.01%; defining the boundary of precautionary area and execution of evacuation mandates, 15.58%. 2.The suggestions are as follows: (1)The dimension of communication is the Key Success Factor for an EOC. (2)In respect of the dimension of operation norm, an EOC standard procedure should be established. (3)In respect of the dimension of preparation, education and training should be emphasized. (4)In respect of the dimension of communication, control over and analysis of disaster conditions are of prior importance. (5)In respect of the dimension of organization framework, the status of the EOC of a local government should be confirmed, and distinction among responsibilities should be made. (6)An estimation system for the EOCs of local governments can be established in the future. (7)The hierarchical Key Success Factors in this study can be applied to the practice.


Department of Homeland Security (2004)“National Response Plan”,p64.
Disaster Recovery Journal, 取自http://www.drj.com/glossary/drjglossary.html。
FEMA(1996)“Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning”.
Michael J. Kevany(2003)“GIS in the World Trade Center attack—trial by fire,”,p572。
Mike Gordon, “Incident Command System (ICS) and EOC Operations,”, WSEMD.


