  • 期刊

The Relationship between Early Orthodontic Treatment and Temporomandibular Disorders: Past I-Temporomandibular Disorders versus Occlusion





Early orthodontic treatment plays an important role of daily orthodontic practice. The relationship between early orthodontic treatment and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) had not been fully investigated. It is due to partially the low prevalence of TMD in children, and partially lack of the data in terms of the TMD prevalence in children having early orthodontic treatment. TMD is basically a subgroup of musculoskeletal disorders occurring in the masticatory system. The most frequent symptom reported is pain or discomfort in or around are ear, jaw joint, and/or muscles of the jaw, face, temples and neck on one or both sides. Other symptom and signs of TMD may include TM joint noise, limited or deviant jaw opening, and chewing difficulties. Malocclusion has been historically viewed as a major etiologic factor. Nevertheless, the concept now proves not to be fully supported by current research studies. This series of articles will present the contents of (1) the definition, characteristics, etiology of TMD, and the relationship between occlusion and TMD (2) the interaction between early orthodontic treatment and TMD, and (3) the procedures of clinical assessent and treatment odalities for TMD children. Cases management will be integrated in the final part of this series of articles.


Early Orthodontic treatment Occlusion Pai TMD
