  • 期刊


The Initial Study of Occupational Safety and Health Education in the Hospital by Applying the Internet


醫院所造成的職業傷病多來自於不安全的行爲,而不安全的行爲與安全衛生教育訓練有密切的關係,依工作性質分別實施安全衛生教育才能減少職業傷病的性生,本研究目的主要以有別於傳統教學的互動式媒體綱際綱路介入方式,提供醫護人員自身相關的職業安全衛生資訊。研究對象爲北部某一教學醫院醫護人員,配合院方勞工安全衛生室、院內綱站維護等單位,先依據院內工作人員之職業健康危害現況資料進行統計分析,將分析結果應用於衛生教育教材中,並配合其需求發展綱頁介入內容,實施介入及其成效評價。 研究結果顯示,有77%的研究對象認爲此綱頁能讓自己瞭解醫院職業安全衛生的重要性;有52%的研究對象認爲,此綱頁的設計能提供在醫院工作該注意的事故預防及應變處理的概念;有39%的研究對象認爲此綱頁能建立他們更積極的工作安全態度及安全意識;有32%的研究對象認爲會依照綱頁所提供的內容及資訊,去改變自己的工作習慣。


Occupational injuries in hospitals are caused by many unsafe behaviors. This study was designed to develop an effective occupational safety and health program on internet, trying to determine the efficacy of a health educational intervention in the hospital. The objects of study are health care workers in a teaching hospital in north Taiwan. First, we analyzed the occupational hazards of the staff, and then aimed at their needs to develop the web page and provided the content which they got involved. The main findings were as follows: 1. About 77% research subjects pointed out that these web pages let them understand the importance of the hospital occupational safety and health. 2. 52% reseach subjects felt that the design of these web pages can provide them the idea of accident prevention and urgent processing. 3. 39% research subjects thought that these web pages can establish them more positive attitude and consciousness in safe work. 4. According to the content and information of these web pages provide, 32% research subjects thought it will change their work habits.


