  • 期刊


A Survey on the Sports Injuries for the Class of Physical Education at Far East College During the 1999-2000 Academic Year


本研究之目的在瞭解本校八十八至八十九學年度學生上體育課發生運動傷害之情況,並作為日後本校師生上體育課時應加注意防患的參考。本研究資料以本校衛保組(健康中心)自八十八至八十九兩學年學生上體育課發生運動傷害經衛保組協助處理並登記之學生資料,及體育教師就上課處理學生運動傷害後,陳報體育室之資料為研究範圍,研究結果,可作為日後防止運動傷害的參考,例如方法之一為要求學生運動前,做暖身及伸展運動(詳見本文第肆章之結論與建議),經統計分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、本校八十八至八十九等兩學年中,學生上體育課發生運動傷害共計554次(每百人中發生有2.76 次),上學期271次(上學期每百人中發生有2.68 次)、下學期283次(下學期每百人中發生有2.83 次),上下學期受傷次數差異性未達顯著水準。 二、依上課時段而言,以星期一及星期五早上時段最容易發生運動傷害。 三、依受傷之運動項目而言,上、下學期均以籃球為最多,其次為排球、壘球項目。 四、依受傷時機而言,絕大多數發生在分組比賽中,其次為自己練習及分組練習。 五、依受傷原因而言,以與他人相撞為最多,其次為熱身不足與犯規粗暴行為所造成。六、依受傷的種類而言,以挫創傷為最多,其次為扭傷,重大的傷害極少發生。七、依治療方式而言,以學校健康中心處理為最多,其次為自己處理、任其自癒。


The purpose of this study was to understand sport’s injuries at Far East College during Physical Education (P.E.) classes throughout the 1999-2000 academic year. The data were collected as students were hurt during P.E. class and then went to the health center of Far East College. A secondary source of data was collected from teachers’ reports submitted to the P.E. office after teachers had finished treating injuries during the 1999-2000 academic year. The results of this study could be used as a reference for the prevention of future sports injuries. One of the measures could require students to do proper warm-ups and stretching before engaging in a sport(see Chapter 4: Suggestions and Conclusions). The conclusions were as follows: (1)During the 1999-2000 academic year, the number of sports injuries occurring while students engaged in sports activities was 554(2.76 %). There were 271 injuries (2.68 %) and 283 injuries (2.83 %). There was no significant difference with regard to the number of injuries between the two semesters. (2)Monday and Friday mornings were the days on which sports injuries occurred most often from the viewpoint of class scheduled time. (3)From the viewpoint of the type of sport being engaged in, injuries occurred most frequently in basketball games. The second and third most frequently occurring injuries were in volleyball and baseball. (4)From the viewpoint of time, injuries occurred most frequently during competition. The second and third most frequently occurring injuries happened during sole practice and group activities. (5)From the viewpoint of cause, injuries came from bodies clashing together. The second and third most frequently occurring injuries were from lack of a proper warm-up and violence. (6)From the viewpoint of the type of injuries, scratches occurred most frequently. The second most frequently occurring injuries were sprains. However, there were no serious injuries occurring. (7)From the viewpoint of treatment, the injuries were most frequently treated by the health center at the college. The second and third most frequent means of treatment were self-administered treatments and no treatment with recovery by natural means.




