  • 期刊


A Study of Consumer Satisfaction, Participative Behavior, and Participating Intention in Taiwanese Private Badminton Courts


本研究之主要目的在探討臺灣地區羽球運動消費者滿意度、參與行為與未來參與意願之關係,研究對象為臺灣地區41間民營羽球館之羽球運動消費者。以「臺灣地區民營羽球館消費者滿意度、參與行為與未來參與意願之調查問卷」為研究工具進行資料之收集,共計2,006份有效問卷。資料處理工具為SPSS for Windows 8.0統計軟體,並以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、羅吉斯迴歸分析(logistic regression analysis)等統計方法處理、分析,結果發現: 一、臺灣地區羽球運動消費者對滿意度之感受呈現中上程度,各構面以「服務態度」之得分最高。 二、不同人口統計變項之羽球運動消費者在滿意度上有顯著差異。整體而言,男性、年齡愈大者、已婚、教育程度愈低、職業為「民意代表、行政主管、企業主管及經理人」、每月收入愈高、居住在北部區域者,其滿意度顯著較高。 三、不同參與行為的羽球運動消費者在滿意度上有顯著差異。整體而言,球齡愈高、每週參與次數愈高、每次持續時間愈久、從事時段為「清晨」或「夜間」、從事夥伴為「朋友」、到達羽球運動場地的時間愈久者,其滿意度顯著較高。 四、在影響未來羽球運動消費者是否願意繼續參與羽球運動的羅吉斯迴歸分析中顯示,此迴歸模式的預測值有98.31%與實際觀測值相符合,呈顯著的因素有「到達時間」與「服務態度」。


The purpose of this study was to discuss the relationship among satisfaction, participative behavior, and participating intention for badminton players in Taiwan. The subjects were badminton players at 41 private badminton courts in Taiwan. Data were collected through the use of the ”A Questionnaire on Badminton Players' Satisfaction, Participative Behavior, and Participating Intention in Taiwan”, and the number of valid questionnaires was 2,006. The data process tool was SPSS for Windows 8.0, and means, standardized scores, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and logistic regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1.The degree of satisfaction for badminton players in Taiwan was above average, and the highest score dimension was ”Service Attitude”. 2.There was significant difference in satisfaction in different demographic variables for badminton participants in Taiwan. By all accounts, the male, older in age, the married, the lower education degree, the occupation of civic leader, administrator, chief executive, and manager, the higher monthly salary, and the residence of northern region had significant higher satisfaction. 3.There was significant difference in satisfaction in different participative behaviors for badminton participants in Taiwan. By all accounts, the higher the badminton experience, the more frequent, the more participative time, the participative period of day or night, the participative friend, and the longer travel times had significant higher satisfaction. 4.In the logistic regression model, there was a significant difference in two factors (trevel time and service attitude). The predicting value of 98.31% corresponded with the observational value.


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