  • 期刊


Resection of a Huge Mandibular Ameloblastoma and Reconstruction with a Free Fibula Osteocutaneous Flap-Case Report




Ameloblastoma of the jaw is not a rare tumor, but a huge ameloblastoma is relatively uncommon. The surgical excision and the reconstruction are more difficult, because of the invasion to important organs and, large blood vessels. This text shows a 54 years old female has chief complaints with left facial swelling for more than 30 years. The painless swelling of her left face progressed rapidly in the recent 2 years. The clinical examination showed a swelling of left mandible ranging from the symphyseal region to the left TMJ region measured about 15×9×8cm in size. A mass lesion measured about 6×6×2cm in size was also detected over the left lower gingival region. The panoramic radiograph revealed a huge multilocular radiolucet lesion occupied the left side mandible. A huge mass lesion with bony expansion in the left ramus of mandible, left side of the mandibular body with multiple cystic lesions with cyst-fluid level and some heterogeneous enhanced solid portion were revealed from the CT scan. The lesion invaded superiorly to the skull base and inferiorly to the hyoid bone level. Pre-operative biopsy was performed and ameloblastoma was reported. The patient received tumor excision with mandibulectomy and reconstruction with free fibula osteocutaneous flap and a metal plate with allogenic condyle. Massive bleeding from the skull base was noted during operation very difficult to control the bleeding, finally fibrin sealant was used for hemostasis. Patient was continuously follow up in OPD, 6 months after operation, normal function in speech and swallow with a satisfactory esthetic result are noted.
