

造釉細胞瘤(ameloblastoma)是一種顎骨良性腫瘤,約佔所有口腔腫瘤的1%。其在組織學上的表現雖為良性,但因具局部侵犯性以致它具有較高的復發率。造釉細胞瘤主要發生於下顎骨內,發生於上顎骨病灶只約佔1~20%。好發年齡約在20至40歲之間,無性別差異。治療方式以手術為主。本報告病例為62歲女性,因一個多月前在左側上顎發現無痛性腫脹至本院求診。放射線攝影發現左上顎小臼齒無牙區之齒槽骨內有泡沫狀(soap-bubble appearance)放射透射性影像。經病理切片證實為造釉細胞瘤。手術採廣泛性切除合併部份上顎骨切除術,並以頰脂墊(buccal fat pad)及頰側皮瓣修復。組織病理學檢查發現為叢狀型(plexiform type)及棘狀型(acanthomatous type)之造釉細胞瘤。因病例發生部位、組織形態及患者年齡之特殊性,故提出報告並討論。


造釉細胞瘤 上顎骨


Ameloblastoma is a kind of benign tumors of jaws, which accounts for 1% of all tumors and cysts in the oral cavity. Although histologically benign, the tumor has a reputation with a high recurrent rate because of its local invasiveness. Ameloblastoma mainly occurs in the mandible while maxillary ameloblastoma represents approximately 1% to 20% of all cases. The patients were reported to have a wide range of ages, with a mean age in the third and fourth decades. Ameloblastoma develops equal frequency in both sexes. Surgical removal is the master treatment method. A 62-year-old woman visited our hospital due to a painless mass in the left maxilla for more than one month. Radiographic examination revealed a radiolucent lesion with soap bubble appearance in the left maxilla. Pre-operative histologic examination showed the features of an ameloblastoma. Radical resection combined with partial maxillectomy was performed, and was repaired with buccal fat pad and buccal advancement flap. Histologic examination of the excised lesion showed a mixed plexiform type and acanthomatous type ameloblastoma. Healing was uneventful and following up showed no evidence of recurrence.


ameloblastoma maxilla
