  • 期刊


Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma of Head and Neck Region-Case Report


淋巴癌是原發位置不明的惡性腫瘤,它可發生於全身任何一個淋巴結或是淋巴組織,甚至可侵犯非淋巴組織之器官。而在頭頸部的惡性腫瘤中淋巴癌並不多見,約佔頭頸部癌症的3.5%。 本報告提出一50歲男性病例,因右側下顎骨角處腫大至本院求診。檢查發現右側顎下腺分有一腫塊,手術取出腫瘤後,病理診斷為非典型性淋巴組織增生(atypical lymphoid hyperplasia)。半年後,腫瘤複發合併左側扁桃脈腫大。從扁桃腺做切片,病理診斷為瀰漫性大B細胞淋巴癌(diffuse large B cell lymphoma)。病人接受化學治療,目前結束第二次療程,腫瘤已消散。後續仍需密切追蹤,以防腫瘤復發。 本報告將進一步提出如何鑑別診斷發生於頭頸部之腫瘤,除了常見之頭頸部良性、惡性腫瘤及唾液腺疾病外,亦不可忽略其它較少見疾病。即使病理切片顯示為良性病變,亦有可能是惡性病灶之前兆,因此持續之追蹤觀察是非常必要的。


Lymphoma is one type of malignant tumor with an uncertain primary site, occurring in a lymph node or in lymphoid tissues throughout the body. Lymphoma is uncommon in the head and neck, accounting for roughly 3.5% of malignant neoplasms in this region. We report a 50-year-old patient who presented to our department with a mass over the right submandibular region. After an excisional biopsy, atypical lymphoid hyperplasia was diagnosed. In the next six months, a recurrent mass was noted accompanied by swelling of the left tonsil. After an incisional biopsy from the left tonsil, diffuse large B cell lymphoma was diagnosed. By the end of a second course of chemotherapy with, the mass had disappeared completely. We use this case as a basis for discussion of the differential diagnosis of head and neck tumors, as well as treatment and prognosis of diffuse large B cell lymphoma.
