  • 期刊


The Review of Current Interpretation Research Publications in Taiwan


國內近年來相當重視口譯專業,各大專院校亦大量開設口譯課程以訓練學生口譯技能。一個新興學科能在短短十幾年間廣受學界和各大專院校的青睞,實屬罕見。目前口譯教學與研究的風潮雖然大興,但其現況仍缺乏較詳實的描述和檢驗。畢竟口譯研究是門新興學科,相對缺乏堅實的學術研究傳統,然而國內目前的口譯研究成果當中究竟透顯了何種面貌和品質?現今大勢和未來趨向又如何?應該是口譯學界加以重視的課題。因此本研究旨在回顧探討國內口譯研究過去十餘年在學術期刊、研討會、和學位論文上發表口譯研究的成果,利用內容分析法(content analysis)對口譯研究的主題、研究方法、研究語種等向度作一有系統的檢視和概括,以呈顯口譯此一新興學科目前的發展情況和研究成果,並提出口譯學科繼續向前推展的依據和建議。期望本文能對國內口譯研究提供一全面而有系統的回顧,有助瞭解口譯學界目前的研究走向,未來亦可採取具體步驟,使用新的研究方法,探索新的研究問題,以有效增進口譯研究品質,確立口譯學科的學術定位。


Over the past decade, the profession of interpretation has received considerable attention, and interpretation training activity has been increasing sharply around Taiwan. More and more interpretation programs and courses have been established at both graduate and undergraduate levels in colleges. There has also been a dramatic increase in the number of research publications on interpretation as well. In view of such a rapid popularity of the new academic discipline in recent years, nevertheless, research focusing on the examination and reflection on the current state of interpretation research is still very scarce. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to review a large number of research papers devoted to this area in order to determine key issues the academic community has been concerned about in interpretation research. In order to review the literature devoted to interpretation, a research method of content analysis was conducted on journal articles, conference proceedings, and Master theses on interpretation, all of which were read, analyzed, encoded, and lastly put into different categories based on their research themes, research methods, languages studied, and other categories. By reflecting on the research literature over the last 10 years or so, the researcher seeks to identify the research issues that are most frequently written about, to report on major trends in established research of interpretation, and then to make suggestions for local researchers to address new or promising research directions in the future. It is hoped that, through the findings of this study, interpretation researchers may gain a better understanding of the present state of local interpretation research and to adopt new paradigms and explore new questions.




Wu, H. A. (2017). 影響英翻中逐步口譯流暢度之因素探討:從初學者的觀點 [doctoral dissertation, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00321
Pai, H. L. (2008). 口譯教學中的語篇分析運用:以長榮大學為例 [master's thesis, Chang Jung Chrisian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2008.00137
