  • 期刊


'It's a Living Proof of My Learning Process': Translation Trainee Perceptions of Using a Portfolio as a Learning Tool




The employment of portfolios in translation teaching has been receiving increasing attention from translation instructors over recent years. While most of the findings are positive, in terms of its effectiveness in fostering students' reflective thinking and autonomous learning, the implementation of this newly developed method in the translation classroom is still under study, particularly in the English-Chinese context. This paper is derived from research which involved a translation teaching project aimed at fostering trainees' reflective thinking, using journals as a key portfolio component. The participants were undergraduate students, who majored in English. Data includes instructor observations, participant journals and questionnaires. It is found that 73.5% of participants preferred the portfolio over traditional exams for assessment; and the majority of those who were interested in learning translation demonstrated varying progressions of reflective capacity in the writing of their journals. The findings from this study may add to the knowledge of how best to facilitate trainees' reflective thinking alongside the development of translator competence, and hence contributes to translation pedagogy designed for Taiwanese undergraduate students.


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