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Gains for Cough Treatment Medicine


首先聲明此文只是一篇很「簡要」的個人治療咳嗽的體驗,也許沒有完整的四診八綱,中醫在診斷、治療上個人有一套,經驗、體會之外,當然也可創新,正當的、有效的治病方法越多越好。 文中重點是:1.說明咳嗽是人體防禦性及反射性的動作,咳嗽經由咳嗽接受器刺激,產生反射→傳入神經→延髓的咳嗽中樞→傳出神經→呼吸肌收縮→產生咳嗽的動作。2.臨床上產生咳嗽的疾病有上百種,與五臟六腑都有關聯。3.提供個人平時常用處方以及簡要診治方式以茲參考。


It is declared that this paper is only a ”brief” individual experience on the treatment of cough first. Maybe there are no complete four diagnoses and 8 outlines. I have a set of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment experience. Except the realization, the innovation can be obtained certainly. More proper and effective treatment methods will be better. The focal points in the paper are: 1. The cough is the defensive and reflective action of human body. After the cough is stimulated by the cough acceptor, it will generate the reflectivity→transfer to the nerve→cough center of the medulla→transfer out from the nerve→compression of breath muscle→generate the action of cough. 2. There are more than one hundred kinds of diseases which can generate the cough in clinic, which relate to the vital organs of the human body. 3. Provide individual prescriptions often used at ordinary times and make a brief diagnosis and treatment way for reference.


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