  • 期刊


Clinical Case Report of Scientific Chinese Medicine about Pancreatic Head Cancer Treatment


中醫科學化臨床案例探討: 本文使用科學儀器來佐證中醫藥的科學性,它以一個新穎的物理概念來嘗試解釋與探討中醫臨床案例,希望讓中醫往現代化邁進,也希望讀者能獲得一些散發與參考。 許先生,男性,58歲,已婚,十年前只因為甲狀腺腫大手術遇,其他大致上無重大疾病,原本體格健碩。患者向來因為工作關係,需往來台灣與中國之間。在2003年9月,突然在中國上海,感到腹脹,起先不以為意。直到2003年12月初,發現皮膚急黃、茶色尿液與輕微上腹疼痛,遂求醫當地診所,經電腦斷層檢查顯示總膽管擴大。同月回到台灣後,求醫台北馬階醫院,電腦斷層顯示胰臟頭部腫瘤,約3至4公分大小,並發現總膽管擴大,推論因為壓迫原因致阻塞性黃膽現象。因為限於人力等原因與擔心血糖問題,沒有施行任何手術,馬階醫院建議轉診台大醫院。 由台大門診建議下,於2003年12月21日進入台大醫院住院病房。2003/12/31經由台大醫院手術,手術中,發現胰臟頭部腫瘤包圍住上腸動脈與靜脈,冒然切除,危險性很高,故僅將導致黃疸現象的腫大膽囊切除,遂結束手術。在手術過程中,送檢引流液作病理化驗,確定有癌細胞發現,為胰臟頭部惡性腫瘤。醫師不建議做化療,並評估還剩3至6個月的生命期限。 患者放棄西醫治療,轉而求助於本院。2004/01/20初診時,面色痿黃、形體憔悴、走路乏力、言語微弱,經人體生物能量頻譜檢測系統的測量檢查後,發現為胰與膽兩經絡系統的先天能量不足(本院術語為胰與膽基因缺陷)、胰臟惡性腫瘤的頻譜指數、心與肝的頻譜能量低落。在中醫理論指導與頻譜指數參考之下,扶正胰與膽的能量氣血,清熱解毒,活血化瘀。經過近半年的治療,病情大幅改善,再經馬階醫院的檢查後,發現腫瘤縮小。患者持續服用中藥。2005年6月間,同樣於馬階做超音波與電腦斷層檢查,沒有發現腫瘤陰影。目前,息者體力已大幅恢復,因為工作關係,往來台灣與大陸之間,每半年至馬階醫院做追蹤,同時,持續以科學中醫服用保養。


This case report aims to prove the scientification of traditional Chinese medicine by scientific instrument, explaining and discussing this case by a view of new physica1 conception. Mr. Shiu, male, 58-year-old, with CT of abdomen in Mackay memorial hospital” a tumor over the head of pancreas, about the size of 3 to 4cm, and the dilated CBD were both found. The Mackay suggested him to be transferred to National Taiwan University Hospital. He was received the operation by the hepatobiliary department of NTUH. During the operation, the doctor found out the tumor surrounded the superior mesenteric artery and vein. The situation would have been very highly risky to the patient's life if the tumor had been removed by this surgery. So the doctor only removed the dilated gall bladder and then finished the operation. The drainage drained from the surgery was also sent to the department of pathology, and the result was cancer cell in it. So the pancreatic head cancer was diagnosed and confirmed. The doctor didn't suggest him to receive the chemotherapy and told him he might have 3 to 6 months left for survival. The patient gave up the western medical treatment and came to us for the scientific Chinese medical treatment. When he came to us, through the examination of the device Human Bioenergy Frequency Spectrum Detector, we knew he was genetically weak over the two energy system of the Chinese meridian medicine, the pancreatic and gall bladder systems. The value for the pancreatic cancer, and the low energy of the heart and liver, were also noted by the machine. The two genetically weak meridian systems were the highly potential factors to his cancer. After being treated for half a year, he felt better than before obviously. Tumor shadow was found to be smaller than before by Mackay. The patient just kept taking the Chinese medicine. In June, 2005, tumor shadow was totally not found out in the examination of ultrasonography and CT in Mackay. At present, the patient has got much better
