  • 期刊


Chinese Medicine Supportive Therapy during Cancer Treatment


相較於現代的腫瘤病理學,由於時代醫療條件不同,古代中醫對於癌症的認知較不明確,歷代醫家雖已整理出各類腫瘤與其部位的名稱,由於臨床上發現腫瘤,多於末期可見或可觸之時,皆已被歸納爲預後不佳的惡疾。但臨床上亦留下不少治則與方藥,如:小金丹、五寶散及各類抗癌藥物。時至今日,中醫處在以手術、化療、放療爲治療主軸的現代醫學環境中,配合著辨證論治的傳統模式,提供癌症病患不同的支持療法,包括:養陰生津法、清熱解毒法、活血化瘀法、扶正培本法、以毒攻毒法等,對癌症病患治療過程中的併發症、生活品質、存活率的改善,甚至身心的調適等,有相當的穩定作用。透過幾則醫案的分享,不難發現在癌症治療前後,中醫的支持療法對癌症患者的病情的改善,顯示出中西醫的配合是一項可行的腫瘤治療方式。本文分享四個醫案,分別是:(一)以清熱涼血解毒法治療惡性後咽腫瘤患者,放療後血流不止的醫案(二)以托裡消毒法治療化療後體虛的口腔糜爛久不癒醫案(三)以動物性中藥以毒攻毒治療多發性惡性骨髓瘤醫案(四)配合禮佛與素食治療肺癌末期病患 等。近一、二十年來,癌症的治療日新月異,療效雖有提高,但其副作用影響身心頗鉅。中醫成爲治療中的輔助療法,已逐漸被患者接受。臨床上治療癌症採取中西醫結合方式,應是時代的趨勢,值得我們推展與嘗試。


Compared with the tumor pathology, there was indefinite concepts in traditional Chinese medicine theory system. In the past, according to different lesions and symptoms, variety of the cancer has been distinguished but not treated in time. Several prescriptions were old cancer treatments included Xiao-Gin Dan, Five-treasure powder, etc. Today, although cancer is regularly treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and various alternative medicine, Chinese differential treatment provides excellent supportive therapies to cancer patients. These supportive therapies include of nourishing yin and increasing liquid, clearing heat and resolving toxin, promoting blood circulation and transforming stasis, strengthening body resistance to consolidate constitution, and fire with fire treatment, etc. can obviously relieve complications of treatment, improve quality of life, and even physical and mental adjustment.In the decades, cancer treatment is changing. Although new treatment runs in effect but the side effects trouble cancer patients a lot. More and more people accept that traditional medicine has developed in the supportive cancer treatment and promote the combination of traditional and modern medicine in the meanwhile.


