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Literature Study on the Formula Compatibility of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.




The Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.-temperature sweet, only the role of reinforcing liver and kidney, strengthing bone and tendon, anti-fatigue, immunological enhancement, miscarriage prevention, lower the blood pressure and diuretic effect, beside, it was a good drug of lower limb numbness improvement due to the major function were low back pain due to kidney deficiency, sexual impotence, premature ejaculation, threatened abortion and hypertension. We divided the formula compatibility of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. into three types of formula compatibility according to the different effect from the principal of formula compatibility, such as warmly invigorating kidney yang, bushen guchong and he yang tongzhi. The former type was suitable of yang deficiency syndrome according to the treatment originated from the mechanism of kidney yang deficiency such as tinnitus, dizziness, backache leg soft, clear urine in large amounts or urinary incontinence or man spermatorrhea slippery discharge and impotence, or female libido and infertility, above also with some symptom such as cold fear cold or pale tongue with a weak pulse. The middle type was suitable of damage in uterus and chong channel of female according to the treatment originated from the mechanism of unconsolidation of chong and conception channels, lose control of blood and fluid such as fetal movement, habitual abortion, vaginal bleeding and leucorrhea. The final type was suitable of yin carbuncle, multiple abscess, back pain and lumbago according to the treatment originated from the mechanism of yang deficiency and cold. In conclusion, the formula compatibility of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was suitable of warmly invigorating kidney yang, Loin and legs, habitual abortion, vaginal bleeding and leucorrhea, so as to be beneficial to the traditional Chinese doctors in clinic.
