  • 期刊


Treatment of Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang and Xiaofeng Powder on Pruritus




The pruritus is a kind of skin disorders with skin itching caused by primary lesions. It is difficult to treat, Except dew itch and food allergy itch, the pruritus can be .classified into deficiency type and excess type. The deficiency itch is caused by blood deficiency and lack of nutrition on skin. Accumulation of damp-heat, wind-heat and wind-cold leads to the excess-type itch. Blood deficiency with outside pathogens also can cause itching. The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine includes enriching the blood and moisturizing the skin, nourishing yin, dispelling wind and arresting itching. This study aimed to discuss the application of wind-dampness-eliminating method to arrest itching. With taking the powder-type concentrated herbal extracts of Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang (Treatise on Febrile Diseases), the clinical case with itching caused wind-cold was cured of his itching by wind-cold-eliminating. This study also introduced a clinical case with mixed dampness-heat syndrome. With the concentrated extracts of Xiaofeng Powder (Golden Mirror of Medicine), this patient was cured by wind-dampness-heat-eliminating. The analysis of and comparison between these two types pruritus were made in this study.
