  • 期刊


A Case Report of Growth Pain and Chinese and Western Medicine Combined Treatment


生長痛指的是會反覆發作,無法以其他病理性原因解釋的疼痛,多發生在3-12歲的學齡前或學齡兒童身上。由於這段年齡正是生長發育階段,所以習慣稱之爲「生長痛」。發病的高峰期在6歲左右,確切病因目前不甚清楚。 患者自訴,近日無跌倒,晚上常哭訴膝及手肘關節附近疼痛,沒有發作時如正常小孩一樣的活動,且疼痛的部位也無任何異常紅、腫、熱的症狀。經詳細觸診與治療,並教導家長幫助患者於就寢前按壓肩胛及臀部肌肉群,配合通絡舒筋之內服藥一週即見療效,六週左右幾近痊癒。 中西醫治療,可藉由熱療、按摩、口服藥物緩解其症狀,可就預防醫學的角度給予適度的護理,減輕患者的不適,家長也能得到較佳的生活品質。


兒童 生長痛 推拿


Growth pain is recurrent and without pathological reason pain, which is most prevalent in the age of 3-12 children. In custom, we call it ”growth pain” because it is just in growth stage at that time. The peak incidence of growth is around age of 6, and the real cause of the pain is unknown. A patient said that he did not fall recently, cried out pain around knee and elbow in the night, acted as a normal child without breakout, and without any unusual redness, swelling, and fever around the pain area. After detail palpation and treatment, teaching the parent how to massage the muscles around the shoulder and hip, oral taken Chinese medicine with flowing collateral and relaxing tendon effect. It showed curative effect in one week, and almost cured after 6 weeks. Chinese and western medicine combined treatment can relieve the symptom through thermotherapy, massage, and oral medicine, give appropriate care in preventive medicine aspects, relieve the uncomfortable conditions, and the parents get better life quality.


child growth pain massage naprapathy
