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A Medical Case Report of Modified Gui Pi Tang Formula, Acupuncture and Steam Therapy in Infertile Women with Chronic, Recurrent Leucorrhea, Adenomyosis, and Ovarian Endometriosis




不孕症 中醫


Endometriosis, adenomyosis, ovarian endometriomas and chronic recurrent leucorrhea are common pathologic findings significantly related to the menstrual and reproductive characteristics of women. Although noted during younger reproductive years, it usually presents in women over 35 years of age. For those with a strong desire to preserve fertility, there is presently no uniform agreement on the most appropriate therapeutic methods to manage the condition. Herein, we present a case of long-term secondary infertility with successful pregnancy after treatment of chronic recurrent leucorrhea with traditional Chinese herbs herbal steam and acupuncture therapies. For those who want to conceive, early combined traditional Chinese herbs herbal steam and acupuncture therapies to relieving the condition of chronic leucorrhea before attempting to fall pregnant is advisable. This is because chronic, recurrent leucorrhea tends to kill sperms in vagina and cervical os immediately. The combination of Qing-Xin-Lian-Zi-Yin (清心蓮子飲), Shi-Wei-Bai-Du-San(十味敗毒散), Shao-Fu-Zhu-Yu-Tang (少腹逐瘀湯) and Qing-Tsao-Fei-Tang (清燥救肺湯) were first prescribed for treating symptoms such as acne, breast tenderness, and chronic, recurrent cough which were frequently occurred the past few periods. Modified Gui-Pi-Tang (歸脾湯) was then prescribed for relieving the condition of leucorrhea prior and afterblood circulation and soothe the nerves. The patients' PSQI scores decreased from 20 to 6 and from 14 to 6, respectively. Their sleep condition was significantly improved, and the efficacy was good. Moreover, they did not experience side effects such as amnesia, fatigue, gastrointestinal discomfort, thirst, or changes in taste. The dosage was reduced until the patients no longer needed to take the medication, and the time required to fall asleep was reduced to 10-20 minutes.


