  • 期刊


How to Use Acupotomy to Treat Piriformis Syndrome That Has Been Enduring 18 Years




The syndrome of trauma and numbness caused by Piriformis Syndrome has often been misdiagnosed as sciatica, slip disc or spur of spine that presses the nerve, etc. As a consequence, numerous unnecessary inspections, rehabilitation and treatment have been conducted, or sometimes the misdiagnosis has given rise to further operation, unable to cope effectively with this sort of syndrome that is akin to sciatica. This patient showcased, who suffered from the pain of piriformis, has long been misdiagnosed as having spur disc that caused his excruciating pain. As a result, in the past eighteen years, he has undergone rehabilitation, medication, and injection, resulting in absolutely no therapeutic effectiveness. The drastic trauma emerging in his hips made him feel like being cut by knives, which in turn made him unable to work, and which even made him unable to take care of himself. This situation has severely influenced his life quality. The fact showed that he was unable to sit down, nor could he stand up or lie down. He also had difficulty turning his body or wearing his own pant. In the wake of receiving the treatment of acupotomy in our clinic via someone's introduction, his illness was completely healed after the second treatment. For this reason, he was peculiarly indebted to this therapy he received, hoping that this medical knowledge of acupotomy treatment that can save people from their excruciating pain can be widely known to people. Due to this point, he personally showed up for this video recording as a genuine witness for this medical case exhibited.


pyriformis syndrome Acupotomy


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