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Treatment of Nocturia by Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Case Report




夜尿 臟腑別通 羌活勝濕湯


Nocturia is defiend to wake up at night and on the regular basis to urinate. Waking up and urinating during the night for long time disrupt the person's normal sleep and influence the quality of life. This case reports demonstrates a 67-year-old female with nocturia and bilateral knee pain for long time. After taking examination and making sure that no organic disease, the doctor recommends observation and tracking. This article is based on the theory of Zang-fu extra-ordinary connection(臟腑別通), in order to explore the relationship of Qi transformation between Zang(臟)and Fu(腑). This case was given the Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang(羌活勝濕湯)to improve the patient's long-term nocturia. People may mistakenly believe that nocturia is an aging phenomenon and ignore its potential crisis. The problem of annoying nocturia, in addition to affecting sleep quality, may increase the risk of depression and certain chronic diseases.


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