  • 期刊


Exploring the Curriculum Planning and Materials Development of a General Education on "Science and Human Life"


本文為落實與提昇大學通識教育中自然科學之課程,期以人本關懷為基礎,建立大學生健康、進取及具科學素養的人生觀。本研究透過下列方式以達成教材規劃與發展之目標:1、定義「自然科學之跨領域整合性課程」之範疇―科學與人生;2、瞭解人一出生即面對周遭各種(物質或心靈)問題,除了用感性方式來處理外,尚可以用理性方式來解決,具有科學素養的理性模式會是最佳的問題處理方式之一;3、透過「科學與人生」通識課程之學習,建立具科學素養的自我理性處理模式。本研究以國立臺北科技大學進修部與進修學院選修「科學與人生」通識課程的二技班級學生作為研究之樣本,研究團隊成員包括生命與非生命科學之專家學者各7 名。各成員之理念與目的相當一致,本課程也普遍受到學生的肯定與接受。


通識教育 科學素養


This article is aimed at practicing and improving the education of nature science related to the general education which is based on human concerning. The goal of general education is fostering students to establish the healthy, positive, and progressive outlook of life and scientific literacy. This research includes the definition of 「science and human life」, the integrated curriculum of nature science, and the understanding and establishing of the best mode for rational management of scientific literacy. The main purpose of this research is to design the curriculum and material of the science rationale of general education of university. The specimens will be adopted from classes of students in the course, 「science and human life」, at both the college of continuing education and the affiliated college of continuing education in NTUT. The 14 member of this research-team includes experts and schoIar of life-science and physics. The goal of this research is achieved through the proper concept, well selected specimens, and powerful study tools. There are three research results that the preliminary framework of a curriculum is completed in 「science and human life」 and the course of 「science and human life」 is affirmed and accepted by students.
