  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Teaching Practice and Teacher Certification: A Case Study from Pre-service Teachers' Perspectives




Investigated were the effectiveness of educational program for pre-service teachers' teaching practicum and teacher certification. Survey method was applied. The questionnaire was examined by the experts and its reliability (α) was .96. There were 593 valid cases. The results were as followed: (1) except the required ”Practicum” and ”Teaching Method and Materials”, most of students took ”Introduction to Special Education” (96%), ”Educational Psychology” (95%), ”Introduction to Education” (91%), ”Principles of Instruction” (89%) and ”Principles and Practice of Guidance” (79%); (2) students reported that the ”Education Foundation Courses” were more helpful in teacher certification than teaching practice and ”Education Method Courses” were more helpful in teaching practice than teacher certification; (3) there were 37% of students enrolled ”Curriculum Development and Design”, however, 40% of them acknowledged its help in teaching practice and teacher certification; (4) seventy percent of students reported that ”Practicum” and ”Teaching Method and Materials” were very helpful in teaching, however, only 20% of them valued the courses in teacher certification; (5) thirty-seven percent of students were confident in the subject content knowledge, while 19% of them reported they need to improve their content knowledge. Forty-three percent of students had difficulties in transferring subject content knowledge to their students; (6) most of students had experience in Offices of Academic Affairs and Offices of Student Affairs during practicum. Sixty percent of students had a chance to teach once a week. Sixty-eight percent of students got experience of mentor. Eighty percent of students complained that the half year practicum was not enough; (7) sixty-eight percent of students believed that the most effective ways to prepare the teacher certification were to study the items which had been tested. Sixty-five percent of students believed that the teacher certification were not valid. The study recommended (1) further study about the gaps of teaching practices and teacher certification in Educational Program; (2) the duration of practicum and the time to execute it should be reevaluated; (3) the teacher certification should integrate teaching practice and theory.


