  • 期刊


Chinese Diplomatic Tactics toward Latin America-the Dawn of 21(superscript st) Century


冷戰後國際局勢發生變化,中共也因為經濟的改革及成果而受到世界的注意。因此,中共在21世紀的對外政策上必定受到國際環境及國內政經因素的影響而有所改變。但是無論中共對外政策如何改變,它在國際上對臺灣的打壓只會加強,以達到縮小我們的生存空間。 在目前我國的邦交國大多集中在拉丁美洲,而多年來拉美也成為海峽兩岸外交的主戰場。因此,本篇的重點在於21世紀初中共對拉美外交的行為模式及其目的,並探究對臺灣的影響和臺灣可以防範之處。本文將分為三大部分加以論述。第一部分、20世紀中共對拉美外交的析論,以說明中共對拉美的策略。第二部分、將從「官方高層的出訪」、「擴大經貿來往」、「加強文化交流」及「軍事交流」四個方向加以分析中共在21世紀初對拉美的策略。第三部分、分析胡錦濤2004年底,訪問拉美四國的外交轉變。然而,拉美幅員遼闊,國家眾多,因此作者將以中共與墨西哥及阿根廷、巴西和智利(ABC三國)四個國家的外交活動為研究對象。


中共 拉丁美洲 21世紀 外交


After Cold War, international relationship is changed greatly. The world emphasizes the result of Chinese economic improvement. Therefore, China's foreign policy should be influenced by the cause of international environment and domestic affairs. No matter how the policy changes, it is undoubted that China continuously suppresses Taiwan's space. At present, our diplomatic ties mostly place in Latin America where is the main battle between the Straits. This paper is going to discuss China's diplomatic pattern and purpose which impact on Taiwan's survival. The paper is divided into three main parts. First, it is to analyze China's policy and tactics toward Latin America in 20(superscript th) century. Second, it is to analyze China's policy toward Latin America in the dawn of 21(superscript st) century from 4 aspects: 1. Ranking officers' visit. 2. To expand trade relationships. 3. To foster cultural interaction. 4. Military interaction. However, there are many countries in Latin America, so take Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina for example. Third, it is necessary to observe China's new leader, Hu Jintou, because a few knows about him. In 2004, it gave us a good chance to know Chinese new policy toward Latin America in 21(superscript st) century, when he visited 4 countries in Latin America, and presented APEC.


China Latin America 21st century Diplomacy


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陳一誠(2007)。中國南方外交戰略的政治經濟分析, 1949-2006〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01165
