

Currently, there have been a variety of techniques for tracheal gas insufflation (TGI). Some could insufflate gas into the central airway to facilitate carbon dioxide clearance, such as trans-tracheal gas insufflation. It could help patients with apnea. Some techniques also provide insufflation of oxygen as an adjunct to spontaneous ventilation. However, positive pressure ventilation also could use TGI as an adjunct to reduce ventilator-associated lung injury. TGI had been reported used in preterm infants with hyaline membrane disease (Daissie G et al, 2000). When they received TGI as an adjunct to mechanical ventilation, the risk of over-inflation decreased. It also helps shorter the duration of mechanical ventilation. Although this mode of TGI needs special endotracheal tube, it seems promising. Whatever the delivery modality of TGI, it changes tidal volume, peak inspirational pressure and positive end-expiratory pressure. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor these parameters and then adjust them for optimal setting. There are also other problems such as insufflation of dry, cool gas directly into the central airway and the possibility of tube occlusion. For using TGI in a safe and effective manner, we still have many things to learn.

