  • 期刊


Nebulized Hypertonic Saline in the Treatment of Viral Bronchiolitis in Infants


目的:以前瞻性、隨機、雙盲對照多中心之臨床試驗、探討使用3%吸入型高張食鹽水治療中、重度病毒性細支氣管炎之住院病童。 研究設計:總共96位嬰兒(平均年齡4.7個月,範圍0.3至18個月)共來瞬息萬變3個兒童醫學中心因病毒性細支氣管炎而住院,跨越3個細支氣管炎的流行季(2003年12月至2006年5月),病人隨機分組接受雙盲模式之3%高張食鹽水(治療組)及0.9%生理食鹽水(對照組)之噴霧吸入治療。加上常規主治醫師之治療。主要之成效評估是住院天數。 結果:治療組比對照組降低住院天數26%或2.6±1.9 vs 3.5±2.9天(P=0.05),治療組的病人可以接受此種治療方法,也無治療不良反應。 總結:始用3%食鹽水吸入治療是一種安全、便宜、有效治療中重度病毒性細支氣管炎住院病嬰的治療方法。


Object: To investigate the use of nebulized 3% hypertonic saline (HS) for treating viral bronchiolitis in moderately ill hospitalized infants by a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, controlled, multicenter trial. Study design: A total of 96 infants (mean age, 4.7 months; range, 0.3 to 18 months) admitted to the hospital for treatment of viral bronchiolitis were recruited from 3 regional pediatric centers over 3 bronchiolitis seasons (December 2003 to May 2006). Patients were randomized to receive, in a double-blind fashion, repeated doses of nebulized 3% HS (treatment froup) or 0.9% normal saline (NS; control group), in addition to routine therapy ordered by the attending physcian. The principle outcome measure was hospital length of stay (LOS). Results: On an intention-to-treat basis, the infants in the HS group had a clinically relevant 26% reducftion in LOS to 2.6±1.9 days, compared with 3.5±2.9 days in the NS group (P=0.5). The treatment was well tolerated, with no adverse effects attributable to the use of HS. Conclusion: The usse of nebulized 3% HS is a safe, inexpensive, and effective treatment for infants hospitalized with moderately severe viral bronchiolitis.
