  • 期刊

Bourdieu’s Language Games in James Joyce’s "Cyclops" and Chen-ho Wang’s "Rose, Rose, I Love You"





Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu's game theory and relative notions of field, habitus, capital, and symbolic power, this paper attempts to compare and contrast the language games in James Joyce's ”Cyclops” and Chen-ho Wang's ”Rose, Rose, I Love You”. It argues that while ”Cyclops” displays the confrontation of linguistic habituses, ”Rose, Rose” demonstrates the carnivalesque juxtaposition of multiple languages in the field. This paper will first explain Bourdieu's conceptions of field, habitus, capital, and symbolic power, and demonstrate the effectiveness of approaching Joyce's and Wang's works with these concepts. Next, the paper illustrates the intertextuality of ”Cyclops” and ”Rose, Rose, I Love You” by examining how the field is formed, how individuals structure and are structured in the field, and how the order of the field is disturbed by individuals with distinct linguistic habitus. It is discovered that both texts are set in an ostensibly enclosed field with a strong attachment to the local community. However, the boundary of the field appears fragile and preposterous in the narration of a critical voice. From different angles, the narrator exposes the exercise of linguistic habitus in forming the field and pinpoints the instability of such formation. Although there are linguistic habitus of the locals in both texts, they differ markedly from each other. While locals' linguistic habitus in ”Cyclops” is elevated and embraced as the only one authorized in the field, the one in ”Rose, Rose” stands at the same level with other linguistic habituses, such as Mandarin and English. Moreover, the former tends to be aggressive and exclusive, and the latter is more moderate and inclusive. When different linguistic habituses encounter in the field, a fierce confrontation breaks out in ”Cyclops,” illustrating the relation of domination and subordination. In contrast, diverse linguistic habituses are harmoniously juxtaposed in Rose, Rose, displaying the relation of homology as Bourdieu would say. The paper concludes by suggesting that the difference between the two texts comes from the two authors' attitude toward language. Joyce's representation of language as such serves as a warning against the expectation and formation of a national language immune to foreign tongues when Irish nationalism was at its zenith; Wang, on the other hand, questions the imposing, homogenizing language policy that marginalized local languages at his time.


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