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The Importance of Dietary Fiber for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease


所有型態的纖維都有降低慢性腎臟病死亡的好處。美國2015-2020飲食指引:建議成人每攝取1,000大卡至少需14 g膳食纖維,美國第三次國民營養調查(National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III)發現慢性腎臟病病人每日約攝取膳食纖維15 g,腹膜透析病人約8 g,血液透析病人約12 g,因此腎臟病病人纖維攝取量都低於建議量。攝取膳食纖維可增加腸道的蠕動、改善便秘、改變腸道菌叢組成、減少毒素的累積。臨床上應鼓勵腎臟病病人多吃富含纖維的飲食,如以植物為基礎的飲食。


All types of dietary fiber (DF) would be beneficial for reducing mortality with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 10 g/day increase in total fiber in daily diet may decrease 17% risk of mortality. 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have recommended that healthy adults should consume at least 14 g/day of DF for each 1,000 kcal/day diet. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III data, the average DF intake in the CKD population was about 15.4 g/day. Other studies also reported that 8 g DF/day of DF intake in peritoneal dialysis patients and 12 g DF/day in hemodialysis patients, indicating the amount of DF intake was much lower than the recommendation for healthy adults. High-fiber diet may facilitate stool excretion, relieve constipation, change the composition of intestinal flora, and promote toxins excretion. In clinical practice, CKD or dialysis patients should be encouraged to take a rich fiber diet, such as a plant-based diet.
