  • 期刊


Allograft in Periodontal Therapy: A Literature Review




The goal of periodontal therapy is to restore the lost periodontal apparatus. In other words, we hope to achieve the followings: decrease of probing depth、gain of clinical attachment level, bone fill and regeneration of new bone, new cementum and periodontal ligament. Currently, the use of bone graft material plays an important role in this regards. Allograft, especially decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) did show better results compared to non-graft treatment from the literature. Even though, the DFDBA could meet the requirements for the bone graft. The bone inductive ability of DFDBA could be affected due to different methods of processing, sources of donors, and different amount of bone morphogenetic protein. Because of allograft is from foreign body, the safety and disease transmission should be paid more attention. This paper will review and focus on the history of allograft bank, animal studies and human studies on allograft in periodontal therapy, the bone inductive ability, and safety.
