  • 期刊


Guided Tissue Regeneration and Occlusal Therapy on a Periodontitis-Involved Tooth with Bruxism




Purpose of the report was to describe our tasks, the guided tissue regeneration and occlusal therapy, in saving a severely periodontal destructive tooth in a case with bruxism history. A 28 years old female, complained gingival swelling and toothache over upper right canine area for a month. Through detailed examinations, severe periodontal attachment loss around the canine was noted. X-ray showed a radiolucent shadow extended to apical one third of the root. An obvious occlusal attrition and a cervical non-carious class V cavity were found on the lesion tooth. During the lateral movement to right side, the canine initially contacted with opposite tooth, followed by group function occlusion. Open contact between first premolar and the canine was developed. Patient had bruxism history and denied any other systemic disease. The canine was diagnosed as severe periodontitis combined with pathological migration due to plaque retention and the traumatic occlusion. Occlusal bite plate was delivered, after the gross occlusal adjustment. Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) surgery combined with demineralized freeze dried bone allograft was also performed. A year later, obviously improved periodontal conditions: average 4.4mm clinical attachment gain and 3mm probing depth were obtained without obvious gingiva recession. Grade II tooth mobility was also reduced to 0. However, the gingiva recession was not obvious. The radiolucent shadow was disappeared and the lamina dura was integrated. Although the bacterial plaque and occlusal trauma have been contributed to be the etiologies of the progress of periodontal destruction, the accurate methodology in diagnosis is still limited and difficult. Because GTR treatment in the case with bruxism has been seldom well described, we reported a case and discussed the clinical findings, examination, conflicts, diagnosis, treatment, and results in detail in order to be the reference of successful treatment similar case.
