  • 期刊


The Life and Music of Henry Purcell


Henry Purcell (1659-1695) was the most versatile musician in Baroque era in Britain. He was not only a composer, but also an organist and a vocalist. He was the most outstanding domestic composer in the three centuries from 17th century in Britain. As an imperial church organist and a royal composer, although Purcell led a short life, his work was actually copious. All kinds of composing form at his time in Britain could be traced in his work. Purcell's music special characteristics had many similarities with Mozart's one hundred years later: ephemeral life, the talent of composing melodies like the sound of nature, the superior composing skills and the profound and impressive music. Since Purcell never left an autobiography or any biography of him, posterities can realize his track only through official records to discourse upon him. We can see his double-chin slightly fat facial cast, big nose, thick and upward-bulged lips, mild and clever eyes. As for his personality and character can only be investigated from the prolific music treasure that he bequeathed to the world.




林文絢(2013)。Henry Purcell歌劇Dido and Aeneas中的音樂風格研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2013.00043
